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Gatorlake - a6a

by Cappucci


Avatar Void Mowl left feedback: September 2021
it's fun to roll out as demo with stickjumper
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at -29 -989 -116 while standing at 336 525 -111 September 2021
cattails dissapear while standing here
Avatar ItsOnlyMilky left feedback: September 2021
I like the side with the boats personally
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 221 -828 -69 while standing at -177 -861 -79 September 2021
the side of mid with the boats feels a bit empty and big?
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at -419 309 115 while standing at 2071 673 11 (Completed - View) September 2021
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at 3378 369 111 while standing at 3743 457 88 (Completed - View) September 2021
Avatar ItsOnlyMilky left feedback: September 2021
this spawn is great, but could you make a more obvious place for teleporters?
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: September 2021
Not much cover
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: September 2021
i like how open this map is while still not being just a huge plane
Avatar darthmauldog436 left feedback: September 2021
I like how it looks in this area
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at 4138 329 31 while standing at 4247 348 43 (Completed - View) September 2021
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: September 2021
i love the aesthetics on this map and i like the walls on the mid point (:
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -859 1348 42 while standing at -1047 1205 68 September 2021
it feels like this house (right next to saw house on either side) is a bit underused
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -4139 249 36 while standing at -4480 249 36 September 2021
some of the water is a bit hard to see
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at 2850 666 -150 while standing at 2874 792 -95 (Completed - View) September 2021