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Gatorlake - b7

by Capp


Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2157 1238 131 while standing at 2263 965 139 January 2022
I like this
Avatar Hadull made an annotation at -75 -354 1052 while standing at -56 -358 -81 January 2022
raise skybox a bit
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 1532 1676 148 while standing at 1528 1671 148 January 2022
this side looks better detailed than red here
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -1862 425 65 while standing at -1862 424 65 January 2022
door handles both sides :P
Avatar wowisthatleo made an annotation at -998 703 -58 while standing at -1024 558 327 January 2022
funny spot tho its risky
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -341 1071 -78 while standing at -420 1183 2 January 2022
small props like this need rendering, consider deleting some
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: January 2022
figure out how to optimize this, the fps im getting is very bad even in spawn
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -1716 409 159 while standing at -1714 343 187 January 2022
why cant i stand here
Avatar Big Smoke food order made an annotation at 1823 285 -21 while standing at 2439 166 3 January 2022
nice looks, great detail. some edges here and there
Avatar Yolo made an annotation at -866 1440 140 while standing at -866 1442 139 January 2022
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -2495 910 85 while standing at -2549 892 129 January 2022
weird texture combo, brick, mossy brick and the grass
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -2209 869 17 while standing at -2208 879 15 January 2022
no lighting down here
Avatar places you shouldn't be made an annotation at -455 1074 107 while standing at -419 1253 132 January 2022
remove this fence, it cuts off this area from the map quite alot and it also gives a nice risky sniper perch
Avatar catfish made an annotation at -142 -1009 -85 while standing at -143 -1009 -38 January 2022
i somehow got stuck here
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -272 -1025 70 while standing at -434 -800 75 January 2022
add fade outs to the props
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -3301 2026 335 while standing at -2343 1239 156 January 2022
I don't know if its just me, but the metal texture looks weird
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -366 -585 7 while standing at -946 -589 139 (Completed - View) January 2022
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -3000 844 117 while standing at -3011 817 139 January 2022
I like this music thing
Avatar catfish left feedback: January 2022
op and i cannot stress this enough timize
Avatar Huwareyou left feedback: January 2022
aside from optimisation, this map looks nice, I like the theme
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at -991 -96 55 while standing at -875 -293 129 January 2022
a bit dark
Avatar places you shouldn't be made an annotation at 813 465 -27 while standing at 899 493 -20 January 2022
blockbullet your detailed walls
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: January 2022
You need more small scale displacement work on your ground, everything is obviously flat as a flatbread.
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -43 -522 -123 while standing at -61 -691 -58 January 2022
this water looks 4k
Avatar Lesbian Witch left feedback: January 2022
I do really like how this map looks, but yeah, optimization really needs work
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -1855 350 65 while standing at -1855 343 67 January 2022
I cant get up here
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: January 2022
use skyboxes, area portals, occluders, hints etc for optimization. You might need to do some changes to your map tho (3)
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -954 1126 503 while standing at -1827 1058 823 January 2022
so much is rendering
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: January 2022
could go away so as to improve fps, that's a cheap way, the best way is to optimize it (2)
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -2540 820 -96 while standing at -2265 855 8 January 2022
water is purple
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 made an annotation at -1964 -34 -36 while standing at -1979 -64 13 January 2022
Windmill makes zero sense in this area.
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: January 2022
I like the detailing of this map, it needs to be more playable tho, the fps really hold it back. Some detailing like (1)
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: January 2022
Being able to pick snipers in the distance against the detailing is nigh impossible mid.
Avatar Huwareyou left feedback: January 2022
I'm happy about a fellow map maker using saws in their symetrical map
Avatar Эмil left feedback: (Completed - View) January 2022
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -1501 892 -38 while standing at -1521 773 4 January 2022
this displacement seaming looks werid
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 412 -1009 76 while standing at 371 -792 75 January 2022
those metal things too
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -386 -1060 72 while standing at -372 -812 276 (Completed - View) January 2022
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -1814 1495 163 while standing at -1896 1265 188 January 2022
In terms of detailing, how can this be a bar when theres a storage room visible to keep the drink? :(
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 2048 1417 421 while standing at 2064 936 132 January 2022
dynamic lights in tf2 generally are not used because they are 1. expensive to render 2. very distracting
Avatar Huwareyou left feedback: January 2022
but I have a bad laptop
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: January 2022
This desperately needs heavy optimization.
Avatar catfish left feedback: January 2022
Avatar Huwareyou left feedback: January 2022
my fps is super low
Avatar Big Smoke food order made an annotation at 2979 704 132 while standing at 3392 704 132 January 2022
low fps
Avatar Эмil left feedback: January 2022
low fps
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: January 2022
low fps around the map, please optimize the map better
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: January 2022
Everything kinda looks the same on this map.
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at -678 1317 130 while standing at -680 1320 132 January 2022
clip this
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1072 1356 73 while standing at 1232 1484 129 January 2022
bad fps
Avatar Lesbian Witch made an annotation at 632 1688 -40 while standing at 568 1713 1 (Completed - View) January 2022
Avatar places you shouldn't be made an annotation at 2075 638 153 while standing at 2846 638 132 (Completed - View) January 2022
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: January 2022
add beams instead of props