43/0/57 Round Win % (7 rounds) (Click for more information)


by zythe_


Avatar thom left feedback: 5 weeks ago
map feels generally small, kind of uncomfortable
Avatar Accidental Tea made an annotation at -387 -93 186 while standing at -388 -43 179 (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar sweg made an annotation at -1905 -261 3 while standing at -1896 -260 1 5 weeks ago
this wall blocks an already blocked sightline into spawn...
Avatar Gravidea made an annotation at -372 478 50 while standing at -435 547 107 (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar sweg made an annotation at -1203 864 -57 while standing at -1227 885 -43 5 weeks ago
it's really awkward to walk up this ramp
Avatar Katsu! :3 made an annotation at 163 450 334 while standing at 215 472 357 5 weeks ago
this building makes the map feel more like Zytheconv than really having its own identity
Avatar the snack,curry made an annotation at -3 83 471 while standing at -27 97 532 (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar 「The Visitor」 made an annotation at 234 -947 -117 while standing at 977 -923 53 (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar Lawenda made an annotation at 2229 -994 46 while standing at 2145 -1077 100 5 weeks ago
I don't think this will ever get used
Avatar sweg made an annotation at -585 -609 -67 while standing at -256 422 336 5 weeks ago
it doesn't look like i should be able to stand up here, or any higher
Avatar aui left feedback: 5 weeks ago
map feels slightly underscaled
Avatar Lawenda left feedback: 5 weeks ago
I do think the map is too small
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
Scaling is perfectly fine, map is just small.
Avatar Lawenda made an annotation at 2068 460 -121 while standing at 2084 403 -123 5 weeks ago
texture glitching
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar Bradasparky left feedback: (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
Map feels very small, no good flank around mid. Feels like a 6v6 map.
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar Otto left feedback: (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar Why do they Cow it oven when yo made an annotation at -282 286 207 while standing at -281 285 207 (Completed - View) 5 weeks ago
Avatar robopan made an annotation at 38 178 428 while standing at -113 19 72 last month
that is cool to jump on top but sometimes i rocket jump and get stuck under it
Avatar Skater Sheep made an annotation at 96 1199 63 while standing at -13 1137 91 (Completed - View) last month
Avatar Skater Sheep made an annotation at 59 542 20 while standing at -20 395 75 last month
make this ammo a medium
Avatar Skater Sheep made an annotation at -372 -371 300 while standing at -363 -359 331 (Completed - View) last month
Avatar robopan left feedback: (Completed - View) last month
Avatar Skater Sheep made an annotation at 21 101 533 while standing at 21 96 539 (Completed - View) last month
Avatar Skater Sheep made an annotation at 1622 811 -82 while standing at 1623 808 -84 (Completed - View) last month
Avatar Goom left feedback: (Completed - View) last month
Avatar Skater Sheep made an annotation at 2069 480 79 while standing at 2072 479 82 last month
can stand here
Avatar Goom left feedback: (Completed - View) last month
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -20 1134 35 while standing at -63 1191 84 (Completed - View) last month