33/0/67 Round Win % (9 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Defcon left feedback: April 2020
maybe try lowering the point by 128 so defenders don't dominate mid as much
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 767 1379 -201 while standing at 241 1613 -200 April 2020
visible nodraw
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 1095 743 -74 while standing at 1294 1029 -27 April 2020
having this long uphill walk exposed to the height advantage makes things difficult when defenders hold in cave
Avatar Superkidra - 缺一不可 left feedback: April 2020
I like the different options for getting to the point, but most of them feel pretty claustrophobic and overly long/commital
Avatar smig left feedback: April 2020
controlling the caves.
Avatar smig left feedback: April 2020
I really like dislike this cave, it is too powerful of a position and it feels like most of the map now revolves around
Avatar smig left feedback: March 2020
bring back the old cave
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at 732 253 112 while standing at 818 499 212 March 2020
I also have some trouble making out teams of players standing here
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at 617 408 64 while standing at 899 559 279 March 2020
this corner feels pretty badly lit
Avatar phi left feedback: March 2020
(in cave)
Avatar phi left feedback: March 2020
the dropdown was a good addition
Avatar phi left feedback: March 2020
cave feels a lot better because you can't easily pop into it from mid to flank aggressively