67/0/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by BenCo


Avatar x6herbius made an annotation at 1757 -407 239 while standing at 1483 -471 257 September 2016
this sign just feels like it was purposefully put here to block sightlines, which breaks immersion
Avatar cereal left feedback: September 2016
mid is too easily defendable
Avatar x6herbius left feedback: September 2016
could do with some flanks, everything seems to just be in one straightforward channel
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: September 2016
chokes into mid are so tiny that you get blasted to smitheroons
Avatar seagulls eating your knees left feedback: September 2016
mid is cramped and not fun to fight on
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 5653 285 164 while standing at 6042 114 11 September 2016
what's this?
Avatar Budelbert Calypso left feedback: September 2016
point is too cramped. no view above 3m towards in any direction.
Avatar ❄ FrostyHoneyJuicy ❄ made an annotation at 1542 -968 -55 while standing at 1372 -1095 1 September 2016
I didn't even know that this area existed
Avatar x6herbius made an annotation at 1887 -755 47 while standing at 1801 -728 65 September 2016
what's the point of this? there's no view from here and no combat anyway
Avatar Corvatile made an annotation at 1582 -1072 -43 while standing at 1519 -1090 4 September 2016
this health is way too far from the point to be useful
Avatar cereal left feedback: September 2016
could use some small health pack near the point on ground level
Avatar Corvatile made an annotation at 679 401 169 while standing at 597 442 186 September 2016
clip ur stairs, fam
Avatar x6herbius left feedback: September 2016
only access onto the point if you want to be quick is two tiny chokes
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor left feedback: September 2016
everything is uphill I feel like I'm constantly at a disadvantage
Avatar Funboringness made an annotation at -371 207 49 while standing at -768 207 49 September 2016
too much rock in front of point, hard to snipe
Avatar Muddy left feedback: September 2016
please try to not rely solely on props to break up sightlines
Avatar Diva Dan made an annotation at -590 -205 35 while standing at -591 -91 52 September 2016
cant go through this door?
Avatar Zorb made an annotation at 6338 750 68 while standing at 6627 581 11 September 2016
little hole going through wall
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: September 2016
only giant props coering point
Avatar A random wallaby made an annotation at -513 -209 15 while standing at -512 -193 52 September 2016
cant get out of this door
Avatar cereal made an annotation at 3308 -418 350 while standing at 3373 -511 404 September 2016
this upper floor is too high, make it lower vertically
Avatar Zorb made an annotation at 2770 -399 146 while standing at 2782 -399 148 September 2016
exit is blocked
Avatar Nuke made an annotation at -604 -290 40 while standing at -590 -393 49 September 2016
wrong team on this respawnroom visaliser
Avatar Zorb made an annotation at 4155 -80 97 while standing at 4180 -107 116 September 2016
rock goes over the platform a bit
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 7333 -203 820 while standing at 1007 500 257 September 2016