100/0/0 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar SED4906 left feedback: December 2020
Additionally, change the shape of the water route to not have a sightline through the whole thing.
Avatar Doom made an annotation at -645 -2229 -82 while standing at 5 -2015 -2 December 2020
its fun to mess around on
Avatar SED4906 made an annotation at 975 -1221 -141 while standing at 1093 -1411 -3 December 2020
make this area reachable, and remove the wall between it and the water route
Avatar SED4906 made an annotation at 1147 -22 -144 while standing at 1251 -50 66 December 2020
Remove this entire water area, or make it a flank route
Avatar SED4906 made an annotation at -385 -99 -132 while standing at -523 -208 -70 December 2020
move the point to this area under here
Avatar X3_ made an annotation at -1260 1970 -134 while standing at -1457 2006 -75 December 2020
this entire area serves no purpose
Avatar SED4906 made an annotation at -2151 -3548 -53 while standing at -2155 -3604 -35 December 2020
Under the covered area
Avatar SED4906 made an annotation at -1560 -1222 -148 while standing at -1571 -1383 -91 December 2020
Move the point a bit to the left from BLU's perspective
Avatar Metaphase of Mitosis made an annotation at -1983 -3638 -73 while standing at -1911 -3735 -59 December 2020
it feels like the first team to capture the point have a strong defence advantage, hard to push
Avatar Maid left feedback: December 2020
this map is way too wide
Avatar Captain Foxer made an annotation at -972 -3332 -137 while standing at -1192 -3713 -59 December 2020
I know this is more visual fluff than anything, but seeing the door and floor lights, it made me think the map is flipped
Avatar X3_ made an annotation at 150 1015 -158 while standing at 37 1079 -91 December 2020
i dont like these ledges, theyre awkward to climb
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at -1837 1716 -40 while standing at -1927 1684 20 December 2020
this sucks to navigate
Avatar Metaphase of Mitosis made an annotation at -1598 -3507 -59 while standing at -1598 -3699 -59 December 2020
feels like a lot of wasted open area
Avatar Moronicbody made an annotation at -835 1449 -137 while standing at -912 1060 -59 December 2020
you can stand on windows overlooking the point.
Avatar squaggs made an annotation at 157 1685 -68 while standing at -2137 2194 -68 December 2020
this sightline from corner to corner is kinda really bonkers, even if no one is here
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin left feedback: December 2020
i'm getting sniped from every angle if i even *think* about going toward the control point
Avatar X3_ made an annotation at -1786 1257 -149 while standing at -1629 1148 -91 December 2020
dead-end room :(
Avatar Hrambelj made an annotation at -2133 -2593 244 while standing at -2043 -3440 11 December 2020
areaportal shenanigans with that piece of geometry
Avatar Maid made an annotation at -1733 -1450 100 while standing at -1736 -1448 100 December 2020
players can get stuck up against this little notch - use a clipping brush to make an invisible ramp :)
Avatar squaggs made an annotation at -674 2909 -40 while standing at -701 2985 -77 December 2020
blue sign on red side