67/0/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by BigfootBeto


Avatar Star Bright left feedback: March 2017
stacked air raids have different colors, if that helps
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 49 972 88 while standing at 101 872 194 March 2017
weird clipping around here?
Avatar bikkie (Gyro Gaming) left feedback: March 2017
you can use spikes to make approximate hemispheres instead of using sphere for the explosion radii
Avatar Haunted Canoe Trip left feedback: March 2017
really you should be able to hide under stuff from it tbh
Avatar Knusperfrosch left feedback: March 2017
i like the air raids, prevents people from camping the point
Avatar Haunted Canoe Trip left feedback: March 2017
its kinda annoying hiding under the bridge and getting killed by the air raid
Avatar Star Bright left feedback: March 2017
air raids are stacking