33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Teh_Epic_Engie


Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
I wouldn't normally get from one bit of town to another exclusively through buildings, like In Left 4 Dead
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
Elaborating: Doesn't feel like a genuine set of alley ways and passages.
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
layout doesn't feel natural
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
and might be indicative that your map doesn't have enough pickups
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
giving the winning team a single-use medium health kit is really insignificant
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
in addition, the routes they lead through are cramped
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at 2096 546 -134 while standing at 2161 809 164 December 2016
every doorway out of this yard into point is only 128 units wide - that's small!
Avatar nᵗʰSonata left feedback: December 2016
I think if you had more bombs, the airstrike would make more of a difference
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
Air strike seems a bit pointless. Doesn't really do anything. Ignoring it now
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
Getting caught on doorframes as scout while travelling to the point
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 398 475 -315 while standing at 573 506 -222 December 2016
This looks too busy. Draws my eye to the ground.
Avatar nᵗʰSonata left feedback: December 2016
I think the pub area might be too big?
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2016
layout/map might need some simplifying
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
very flat overall
Avatar Potato Masher left feedback: December 2016
maybe add a wall in between the bushes?
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
dividing an open area with large walls will let people position themselves more strategically
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
plus they're short
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
the hedges don't really count as walls since there's a lot of places to look around them
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
the map also isn't divided laterally very well - the main area is all one giant area
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
All the rooms are really small
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
check to see how often people actually retake the point - from what ive seen, people just sit on the point once capped
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
They aren't really in the way.
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
actually that's up to you...
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
make your lantern props non-solid so players and projectiles don't collide with them
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at -159 730 98 while standing at -211 694 381 December 2016
this IS a height advantage, but it requires going through the main point area anyways
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
there are basically 0 height advantages over the point
Avatar Zakaro left feedback: December 2016
it is 'just' another viaduct-style map, not a bad thing perhaps, but generic nonetheless
Avatar Idolon left feedback: December 2016
the distance from spawn to point might be a bit long? check with other koth maps
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: December 2016
Map is too small
Avatar Potato Masher left feedback: December 2016
maybe angle the bombs to make them, idk, more convincing?
Avatar Budelbert Calypso made an annotation at 1687 150 -116 while standing at 1687 69 -91 December 2016
this is too narrow to comfortably navigate