37/0/63 Round Win % (76 rounds) (Click for more information)


by BigfootBeto


Avatar SillySoggySponge made an annotation at -353 -270 -18 while standing at -315 107 102 March 2021
shame im late to the party XD
Avatar SillySoggySponge made an annotation at -93 882 98 while standing at -93 1014 129 March 2021
wow love it. cool map
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo made an annotation at -885 -656 -78 while standing at -988 -752 -62 February 2021
remove this barrier theres too much stuff
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at 1338 -813 627 while standing at -7 -990 324 February 2021
some windows pop in while you walk along this plank
Avatar Edward_shooter made an annotation at -135 615 -96 while standing at -12 -83 -62 January 2021
I thought the air raid arrows points towards escape paths, but nope it was a bomb marker
Avatar Pink made an annotation at -2465 596 83 while standing at -2486 599 87 January 2021
Corner of the ramp gan get players stuck
Avatar Pink made an annotation at -2659 -185 -94 while standing at -2670 -185 -94 January 2021
Missing respawnroomvizualizer on red spawn doors
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at 2765 498 207 while standing at 2872 510 164 January 2021
ive been trolled
Avatar Sephiroth Gaming made an annotation at -779 41 -181 while standing at -841 -40 -117 December 2020
the health pack supply drop is a really cool idea
Avatar Sephiroth Gaming made an annotation at -879 -272 -125 while standing at -1046 -136 -128 December 2020
air raid is good for keeping the matches interesting
Avatar Chainem Bank Rober made an annotation at 2746 245 -30 while standing at 3194 260 11 December 2020
air raid is epic
Avatar Sephiroth Gaming made an annotation at -225 129 -114 while standing at 27 43 -62 December 2020
map looks very good
Avatar Chainem Bank Rober made an annotation at -297 622 -68 while standing at 372 -816 356 December 2020
love how it looks
Avatar koi left feedback: February 2018
reduce visual clutter, especially around the point
Avatar TheCreeperIV made an annotation at 3 -259 -276 while standing at 7 -390 -274 February 2018
those sewer entrences want me to reinact warsaw uprising. (connect the two maybe?)
Avatar Swizik made an annotation at -2071 -567 118 while standing at -2448 -823 34 February 2018
Let people jump up on that small roof
Avatar Ciel Freeman made an annotation at 3224 -205 18 while standing at 3254 143 1 February 2018
nuke the enemy team's spawn at round end?
Avatar geegor102 left feedback: February 2018
maybe make losing team get bombed at end of round
Avatar geegor102 left feedback: February 2018
nice use of rocks in skybox
Avatar Dr. Bum |SCG| made an annotation at 1116 -1021 -57 while standing at 1151 -999 -45 February 2018
Might want to make it a bit more clear can't go through here