33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Brokkhouse


Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
and anywhere the sniper stands in the arena they can cover all entrances
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 2406 4093 297 while standing at 2202 4118 356 January 2023
Didn't realize this route existed until fbround
Avatar toki pona left feedback: January 2023
i'm sorry but i get strong nucleus/harvest vibes, sniper and scout heaven, not fun as most other classes
Avatar Paper Shadow made an annotation at 4980 4188 298 while standing at 4893 4382 363 January 2023
I would like to see an easier way for one to reach the enemies' balcony area
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
none of the cover really gives you decisions against a sniper if that makes sense, it all just feeds into one arena
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: January 2023
The point spinning adds too much rng as to if your team has a good path to point or not
Avatar zythe_ made an annotation at 3065 5520 96 while standing at 3108 5604 145 January 2023
this door texture doesent look like it would open, use the normal one
Avatar Slimed in Rhode Island made an annotation at 4255 4146 146 while standing at 3420 3611 356 January 2023
snipers reign supreme you can see the whole center of the map from the vantage points withouth them being able to fight bac
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
there should be some tight routes and some open ones, this map just has really long ones
Avatar Paper Shadow made an annotation at 1492 3819 158 while standing at 1496 3953 219 January 2023
You seem to get stuck behind the train here
Avatar toki pona made an annotation at 4151 3890 -1128 while standing at 4039 3614 -857 January 2023
fix death pit, we got trolled by our engi lol
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
engagement distances are so long on every single route, it feels like playing non-sniper is unoptimal
Avatar toki pona made an annotation at 3864 3646 -29 while standing at 3459 4714 148 January 2023
frame drops in the main area point, no i don't have a potato pc
Avatar Paper Shadow made an annotation at 3070 3876 670 while standing at 1564 3985 420 January 2023
funky view of dome here
Avatar Rhamkin left feedback: January 2023
this map is so cool and creative, just needs some more cover and detail and this will be a amazing map
Avatar 14bit left feedback: January 2023
Neat, but disincentives the objective which isn't fun
Avatar Valkyrie made an annotation at 3339 3525 170 while standing at 5572 5445 280 January 2023
this sightline is too strong
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: January 2023
The pit feels like it's really bad to fall in, no real way for classes to jump back up easily
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at 5408 1881 104 while standing at 5562 1891 256 January 2023
I reckon ideally you axe this route
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: January 2023
cool map
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
part of the control point's structure should be a spiral ramp down to the low ground so the low ground isn't a pit of shame
Avatar Der ewige Boomer made an annotation at 4190 4426 -2121 while standing at 4219 4502 -2083 January 2023
You can build in the pit.
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 3389 4626 -134 while standing at 3278 4817 -75 January 2023
I love these windows, but this route isn't terribly useful
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: January 2023
Maybe rather than the point always turning it could move only when capped to give the non-capped team advantage on point?
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 3289 3023 113 while standing at 3121 3009 156 January 2023
floating crates
Avatar 14bit left feedback: January 2023
Stairs up from the bottom near the center, maybe that rotate with the point, would be nice
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
but that makes it really hard to attack because pushing the point means you risk losing your lobby and getting pincer'd
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
it feels like you intended it so that either team could enter the circle from any point around the outside
Avatar zythe_ made an annotation at 4015 3723 -2130 while standing at 4042 3671 -2086 January 2023
no death pit??
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
ideally the point should be as easy, and as safe, to get onto as possible for attackers in KOTH
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: January 2023
I walked all the way to my own spawn thinking it's the enemy spawn, and realized it only when I walked into it
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
however, it does occasionally stop attackers from even reaching the point which is definitely not positive
Avatar 14bit left feedback: January 2023
very easy to forget which side you are on, and lose track of where enemies will come from
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
as far as i can tell, the rotating point doesn't have any positive effect for attackers
Avatar Slimed in Rhode Island made an annotation at 2573 5109 92 while standing at 2526 5255 154 January 2023
its hard to tell if you're on blu side or red side of the map
Avatar 🫧Pheパイロ made an annotation at 1931 5714 100 while standing at 1927 5720 93 January 2023
displacement seam
Avatar zythe_ made an annotation at 6005 3228 173 while standing at 5949 3222 218 January 2023
health pack sunken into ground??
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
whereas the defenders are on the inside, so they automatically have faster rotate times and a defensive advantage
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at 5505 4265 297 while standing at 5474 4253 288 January 2023
rotating between my entrances as an attacker takes a really long time cause i'm on the outside of a massive circle
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: January 2023
make the sides more pronounced - it's hard to tell at a first glance from which side the enemies are going to come out from
Avatar 14bit left feedback: January 2023
It's hard to approach the point, since the routes to it keep moving
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 3543 2339 5 while standing at 3655 2216 52 January 2023
the vertical traversal here feels bad, the ramps are too steep
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 6804 1509 500 while standing at 6804 1681 500 January 2023
map feels a bit over scaled
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 4846 3900 -111 while standing at 4854 3885 -91 January 2023
i can get stuck behind this rotating thing by walking into it
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 6739 1509 500 while standing at 6739 1680 500 January 2023
the moving mid platform and tf2s bugginess dont mix very well
Avatar 14bit left feedback: January 2023
the geometry is impressive
Avatar Tails8521 made an annotation at 1529 6713 385 while standing at 1562 6718 414 January 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: January 2023
how am I supposed to get anything done as engi with this supermassive point area
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 6631 1649 352 while standing at 6663 1471 390 January 2023
you can get stuck here if you ride the train
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 6809 1395 370 while standing at 6440 1238 379 January 2023
don't like this 180 turn as you leave spawn
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 5380 3023 90 while standing at 5661 3121 185 January 2023
This door should probably be using the standard TF2 shutter door, it doesn't look like it should open when it's not
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: January 2023
I was blu btw
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 4026 4460 -2137 while standing at 3916 4527 -2076 January 2023
I survived the fall
Avatar zythe_ made an annotation at 6664 1464 389 while standing at 6645 1472 410 January 2023
Avatar toki pona made an annotation at 6779 1275 373 while standing at 6663 1473 413 January 2023
consistently got stuck with the train leading me into the wall