67/0/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)

Rotunda Rc7

by Unknown

  • Game Mode: King of the Hill
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: April 2023 on Demos


Avatar my dingaling made an annotation at 124 928 -1566 while standing at 184 970 -1522 April 2023
u can see through the ceiling up here
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 524 756 -2056 while standing at 532 798 -2039 April 2023
This has a noticable bit of pop in when you go walk back a bit
Avatar Marina♥ made an annotation at -1667 3019 -1740 while standing at -1666 3019 -1739 April 2023
weird lighting with these lockers
Avatar gutter girl left feedback: April 2023
i really like the giant chains hanging down. could do with a couple more of them or mangled clumps of chains too
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed made an annotation at 1765 1633 -1327 while standing at 1793 1199 -1544 April 2023
you should either make a visible top of the roof or obstruct view, i can see stuff rendering behind when i jump from here
Avatar Marina♥ made an annotation at -2326 3808 -1985 while standing at -2071 3820 -1739 April 2023
this fence thingy looks bright relative to the shadows
Avatar ChaoticAngel left feedback: April 2023
other than rendering issues the map is really good
Avatar Marina♥ made an annotation at -1758 3864 -1740 while standing at -1786 3807 -1739 April 2023
this stretched box looks way out of place
Avatar Rhamkin made an annotation at 175 1727 -2177 while standing at 420 1617 -2057 April 2023
fake health?
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1503 170 -2191 while standing at 1961 -668 -2139 April 2023
this room looks so good, one of my favorite bits. love the dynamic lighting
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: April 2023
I dont think engies should be able to build on the sniper sideline thing
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: April 2023
The thingy here glitches up over here
Avatar gutter girl left feedback: April 2023
if you would let me sir/madam/esteemed lord i would kin this map
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1253 778 -2058 while standing at 1286 911 -2021 April 2023
I would really like if these metal piles to concrete barrier was clipped personally; awkward to crouch just to scale it
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed made an annotation at 1490 2968 -1885 while standing at 1508 2389 -2016 April 2023
this areaportal is broken
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed left feedback: April 2023
displacements are still flashing solid black
Avatar my dingaling left feedback: April 2023
very well made map with a lot of interesting angles
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at 1638 2797 -1992 while standing at 1376 2422 -2010 April 2023
Area portal issue walking through here? Parts of map don't render
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 2603 1517 -1911 while standing at 2663 1523 -1899 April 2023
render issues here
Avatar ChaoticAngel made an annotation at 1584 2942 -1852 while standing at 1405 2462 -2000 April 2023
rendering issues here
Avatar Wendy made an annotation at 3611 166 -1920 while standing at 3623 199 -1916 April 2023
can get stuck here or something
Avatar whatheman28 left feedback: April 2023
fire map design
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 2123 4064 -1761 while standing at 1357 2477 -1996 April 2023
render issue here
Avatar whatheman28 made an annotation at 2482 1677 -1884 while standing at 2557 1714 -1899 April 2023
wall clips through doorway
Avatar The Noble Steed made an annotation at 1384 2511 -2042 while standing at 1327 2512 -1998 April 2023
the map disappears when you walk through here
Avatar ChaoticAngel left feedback: April 2023
Avatar ChaoticAngel left feedback: April 2023
i think the oil and the floor are z-fighting
Avatar whatheman28 made an annotation at 935 1143 -1924 while standing at 752 1112 -1859 April 2023
i like the capture point design
Avatar The Noble Steed made an annotation at 2544 1348 -1955 while standing at 3053 988 -1726 April 2023
this part of the map disappears when I stand here/jump from here
Avatar whatheman28 left feedback: April 2023
moving train :)
Avatar ChaoticAngel made an annotation at 124 211 -1940 while standing at 60 248 -1894 April 2023
the floor is black for me rn
Avatar my dingaling made an annotation at -1005 775 -1927 while standing at -1489 1234 -1755 April 2023
i like the moving train