100/0/0 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Edgy Paints made an annotation at 4359 1613 395 while standing at 4376 1607 424 April 2016
Can get up here
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: April 2016
It's more about player numbers than skill
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: April 2016
Mid is a spam room. Fighting doesn't feel clever or subtle.
Avatar Aero left feedback: April 2016
could use some more space in between the point and the spawns, perhaps elongate the garage area or add a courtyard?
Avatar SMAn made an annotation at 1219 1765 73 while standing at 1050 1916 139 April 2016
remove this free space near spawn
Avatar Simon450 made an annotation at 3349 1974 605 while standing at 2683 1611 132 April 2016
make that roof no build
Avatar SMAn made an annotation at 2902 1877 69 while standing at 3053 2274 139 April 2016
need more windows
Avatar CACTU made an annotation at 3996 1110 88 while standing at 3496 1532 129 April 2016
the entrances turn into spamfests
Avatar Simon450 made an annotation at 1978 1092 72 while standing at 1821 911 132 April 2016
make this prop nobuild pls
Avatar CACTU made an annotation at 1230 1185 144 while standing at 970 1180 211 April 2016
you spawn basically on the point
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: April 2016
Map needs to be expanded a bit.
Avatar Czechball left feedback: April 2016
agree with Muddy
Avatar SMAn left feedback: April 2016
needs more healthpacks and ammopacks
Avatar Muddy left feedback: April 2016
the area between spawn and mid needs to be larger
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor left feedback: April 2016
too hard to retake mid, its so spammy
Avatar Muddy left feedback: April 2016
why are the koth timers set to one minute?????????
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor left feedback: April 2016
mid is just a huge spammy shit show right now
Avatar shadowslasher11X made an annotation at 4802 848 204 while standing at 5167 848 204 April 2016
Could certainly use more space between spawn and mid.
Avatar breakbitch hardcore made an annotation at 1175 1925 80 while standing at 1144 1837 132 April 2016
dead end
Avatar CACTU made an annotation at 924 976 211 while standing at 732 976 211 April 2016
doors dont work very well