40/0/60 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Fwuso left feedback: June 2016
the buildings dont get rekt by the train
Avatar Fwuso left feedback: June 2016
needs moar spawns
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: June 2016
indication of when a train is coming should be a lot more obvious
Avatar Fwuso left feedback: June 2016
make a vertically moving train for abstract feel
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: June 2016
i enjoyed it but the smallness makes rocketjumper soldier not viable?
Avatar Corvatile made an annotation at -659 -18 72 while standing at -870 -107 132 June 2016
these two pillars here are grim
Avatar Fwuso made an annotation at -276 -1146 19 while standing at -387 -999 65 June 2016
make it visible that i cant go here
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 353 2619 471 while standing at 406 2920 532 June 2016
optimization mistake
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2016
the map is so small it sort of breaks down the core gameplay elements of tf2
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2016
I enjoy making people rage on this map
Avatar chin left feedback: May 2016
way too tight and corridory for fun gameplay, raise ceiling and clean up walkable routes
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: May 2016
nobody wants to cap. too dangerous and impossible to take back
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
suggestion: just keep the middle station platform, make map outdoors, redo surroundings
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
try for flood gates around map so spies can have use
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
easy for minis to control point
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
but completely underground maps with low ceilings just dont work
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
look into above-ground train stations - i like the setting and the geometry it provides
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at 453 61 52 while standing at 266 -35 162 May 2016
should just make this one ramp rather than 2, the gap makes it a lot harder to navigate
Avatar Jusa left feedback: May 2016
map just feels like a box with two tracks
Avatar BlockBuilder57 left feedback: May 2016
cubemaps screwed?
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
if you want to keep the columns, space them out further and make them bigger (32x64 column imo)
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
perhaps add a surface route to get above point in general area
Avatar Anreol left feedback: May 2016
there is no way to get behind the enemy, and i like that because fuck scouts, but there must be a chance. at least small
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -213 -3376 490 while standing at -184 -3395 532 May 2016
not enough spawn points
Avatar Doktor Richter left feedback: May 2016
Avatar Doktor Richter left feedback: May 2016
there needs to be more open spaces to demoman can't lock down whole areas
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2016
the map is so simple certain classes like spy are at a disadvantage
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: May 2016
that health by the point seems too big for where it is
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: May 2016
no advantage to the cap zone, players run away as soon as they cap because of how much of a death sentence it is
Avatar Jusa left feedback: May 2016
thight closed spaces like this dont really work on tf2.
Avatar Anreol left feedback: May 2016
there is no god damn height advantage at the point. at all. and the ceilign is so fucking low that you cant do anything
Avatar Jusa left feedback: May 2016
get rid of the support pillars, add some height variation, make the fighting area higher.
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at 509 2575 538 while standing at 509 2576 539 May 2016
the ceiling over there pops-in from here
Avatar A random wallaby left feedback: May 2016
maybe turn down the lights brightness abit
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2016
the main area is basically a hallway so there's not much space for interesting gameplay that doesn't invlolve trains
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
fix lighting, doesnt seem optimized
Avatar Anreol left feedback: May 2016
choo choo dont kills scent-tree
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
place nobuild on point, engineers can have almost perfect control of it
Avatar RataDeOrdenador made an annotation at 271 713 9 while standing at 297 925 68 May 2016
what is this?
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
otherwise everything is completely flat
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
the only time it matters is if you're trying to push out of spawn or you're crossing the tracks
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
too easy to spawn camp, not enough entrances into capture area
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
you really cant use height difference to your advantage, ever
Avatar Anreol made an annotation at 883 -410 147 while standing at 916 791 139 May 2016
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
skybox has issues and causes items to spawn and despawn by moving around
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
rocket/sticky jumping is completely negated on the entirety of the map
Avatar norfolk left feedback: May 2016
honestly this seems like a better arena map than koth
Avatar Anreol left feedback: May 2016
or anything related to a station and is weird
Avatar Anreol left feedback: May 2016
the spawns arent a station