33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Captain Cornflake left feedback: March 2016
Doors don't work, there's no healthpacks, and there's no cover at mid.
Avatar ryacom left feedback: March 2016
my fps at mid is terrible on a high end computer
Avatar Whispy left feedback: March 2016
middle is way too open
Avatar MaccyF made an annotation at 2699 -664 -111 while standing at 2722 -660 -91 March 2016
add a door here
Avatar Captain Cornflake left feedback: March 2016
There are far too many ways to just snipe across 78% of the map. It's far too linear.
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: March 2016
horrible sightlines from spawnrooms
Avatar Captain Cornflake left feedback: March 2016
ZERO cover on mid
Avatar Tumby left feedback: March 2016
most classes have only 2 ways to get into the enemy base
Avatar Budelbert Calypso made an annotation at -2351 282 42 while standing at -2368 260 36 March 2016
door opens lead by mood here
Avatar Captain Cornflake left feedback: March 2016
horrificly angular
Avatar Mikroscopic made an annotation at 1074 -122 -96 while standing at 2637 -1319 -132 March 2016
op sightline from this spawn door
Avatar jeff alfredo made an annotation at 406 -1003 -94 while standing at -2607 1211 -125 March 2016
dumb sightline from/to spawn
Avatar Captain Cornflake left feedback: March 2016
doors just seemingly break for no reason
Avatar sebu left feedback: March 2016
doors are broken
Avatar Captain Cornflake left feedback: March 2016
severe lack of healthpacks
Avatar xo))) left feedback: March 2016
doors in general feel slow to open
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: March 2016
this door seems to be linked to another?>
Avatar jeff alfredo made an annotation at -2327 -285 -201 while standing at -2533 -379 -180 March 2016
i want a way to leave spawn and walk straight to here, rather than up an over
Avatar sebu left feedback: March 2016
my fps isnt doing too well.
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: March 2016
the healthpack underneath the point is too much for a small map
Avatar Captain Cornflake left feedback: March 2016
incredibly small, no real place to battle besides the point
Avatar nefarious criminal left feedback: (Completed - View) March 2016
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: March 2016
don't forget to build cubemaps
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: March 2016
the train kills you if you go on top of it?? u wot
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at -1991 1312 -143 while standing at -2003 1287 -139 March 2016
so many penis rocks in the skybox
Avatar Green Ghost left feedback: March 2016
Trains kill you when you land on them
Avatar sebu made an annotation at -418 -863 -94 while standing at -577 -840 -84 March 2016
a passage here would be nice
Avatar A random wallaby left feedback: March 2016
and time before close to -1
Avatar A random wallaby left feedback: March 2016
onstarttouchall on doors
Avatar MaccyF made an annotation at 2401 -200 39 while standing at 2400 -205 36 March 2016
door is broken
Avatar nefarious criminal made an annotation at -2707 528 -97 while standing at -2777 528 -94 March 2016
no train kill icon
Avatar ryacom made an annotation at 2695 -451 -110 while standing at 2892 -279 27 March 2016
cubemaps pls <3