50/0/50 Round Win % (2 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Verumae left feedback: August 2015
make spawns lower and make left+right exits the same distance/elevation
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 2508 -243 430 while standing at 2394 -214 484 August 2015
should i be on this
Avatar Anreol left feedback: August 2015
to find him
Avatar Anreol left feedback: August 2015
with the glass textures in the spawn you can see the enemy, and if a enemy is a spy its just OMG ITS A SPY. And dont need
Avatar Verumae made an annotation at 1601 -1368 267 while standing at 1496 -1225 340 August 2015
big displacements create a hiding spot right here
Avatar Anreol left feedback: August 2015
plz glass textures at spawns
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: August 2015
full pickups immediately below the point are probably WAY OP
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: August 2015
the stairs are super steep and it's a big ol corridor to leave, which isn't so fun. Too tight
Avatar Anreol left feedback: August 2015
spawns.... are just.... dirt?
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: August 2015
the actual layout isn't terrible, but the location of the spawns -> hella bad for optimisation
Avatar Jetamo left feedback: August 2015
BLU can get into RED spawn
Avatar a roast beef sandwich made an annotation at 6083 -896 836 while standing at 6400 -896 836 August 2015
these spawns are just bad
Avatar tyler left feedback: August 2015
use a bigger radius displacement tool to make smoother ground
Avatar Jetamo left feedback: August 2015
RED can get into BLU spawn
Avatar Melvineer made an annotation at 6180 -1092 774 while standing at 6459 -907 836 August 2015
i think you need more spawn point
Avatar Aero made an annotation at 1058 -428 255 while standing at 5130 17 347 August 2015
this sightline
Avatar tyler left feedback: August 2015
you made the spawn exits way worse