67/0/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)

Vision - a4

by seth


Avatar Idolon left feedback: October 2020
(this is true of most good tf2 maps regardless of gamemode)
Avatar Idolon left feedback: October 2020
i think you really need to trim down the fat at mid. consider how the flank routes on successful koth maps aren't hallways that bypass the point and dump you out somewhere else, but are more integrated into the main open area and allow players to synergize with their teammates who are on different routes.
Avatar Idolon left feedback: October 2020
seems like the losing team has a hard time coordinating attacks. lots of routes just split you off completely from your teammates rather than being a complimentary route to other routes in the same area, so you end up with a bunch of 1v1s in side areas rather than interesting team fights
Avatar Zenvora made an annotation at -3056 159 40 while standing at -3826 633 276 October 2020
when i own the point i feel like i own this ledge but then people just come up from behind and kill me
Avatar breakbitch hardcore made an annotation at -2587 -858 308 while standing at -2562 -913 353 October 2020
this drop-down is just, in the way rly
Avatar Defcon left feedback: October 2020
shutters slow down the game because it's so risky to walk through them due to not knowing what's on the other side
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -4509 761 280 while standing at -4177 824 276 October 2020
itd be cool if i could flare jump across to there
Avatar Burgarnils left feedback: October 2020
90% of the shutter doors dont need to exist
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: October 2020
9 times out of 10 a one-way on a koth is a sign of a problem, not a fix
Avatar SnickerPuffs made an annotation at -2721 1370 292 while standing at -2847 1302 360 October 2020
Avatar SnickerPuffs made an annotation at -5197 -403 134 while standing at -5014 -377 138 October 2020
Remove all the doors in this room
Avatar Defcon left feedback: October 2020
finding actually getting to the point very awkward. seems like most of entrances to mid are narrow or at awkward angles
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin left feedback: October 2020
simplify and expand your connectors
Avatar Mr.pep THE SKELETON made an annotation at -5082 -416 -23 while standing at -5057 -190 33 October 2020
this route is so tight and favors pyros toooooo much
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -5473 -967 32 while standing at -5420 -953 62 October 2020
i just keep ending up here as red... idk why
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin left feedback: October 2020
why are there so many one ways?? what
Avatar 3-UP made an annotation at -4772 1193 311 while standing at -4805 1230 356 October 2020
this dropdown seems kinda useless to me?
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -4832 -140 260 while standing at -4799 -176 258 October 2020
constantly getting stuck on this little corner
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at -4350 -723 221 while standing at -4280 -605 276 October 2020
this is a HUGE space to exist... solely for a window?
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: October 2020
the routes are so complicated and awkward, pleeeeease streamline things
Avatar Defcon left feedback: October 2020
ideally a koth map shouldn't need shutters but this map seems to go out of its way to use as many as possible
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: October 2020
needs simplifying
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin left feedback: October 2020
i'm getting lost
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: October 2020
for a map called vision, there sure are a lot of shutters.
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -3967 -710 -83 while standing at -4024 -732 -66 October 2020
i expect health to be here.
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at -2303 579 83 while standing at -2268 573 36 October 2020
star war,,,b,,
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 made an annotation at -5142 -442 -13 while standing at -5207 -503 43 October 2020
this is a lot of shutters
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -4705 1135 286 while standing at -5015 1193 363 October 2020
not a fan of this dropdown being in the middle of a route
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -4570 -897 222 while standing at -4493 -806 276 October 2020
this is a massive dead end