50/0/50 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)

Vision - a6

by seth


Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -3957 1 90 while standing at -3946 -39 132 November 2020
this sentry might be too good
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -3374 -540 222 while standing at -3277 -588 273 November 2020
i don't think this room needs pickups for how much advantage it gives you over the point. might be making it easy to hold
Avatar Tang made an annotation at -6647 -192 164 while standing at -6864 -192 164 November 2020
theres no room to breathe, the other team is constantly in our spawn area
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2020
still think opening up the right side would be nice
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! made an annotation at -1941 340 33 while standing at -1870 289 84 November 2020
Enemies stand here and basically nobody sees you
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -652 562 130 while standing at -650 571 164 November 2020
more spawnpoints pls
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at -6152 -669 72 while standing at -6206 -1175 149 November 2020
why is all this space here
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing left feedback: November 2020
I think the windows that don't really add much to the gameplay are causing loads of the map to be visible at once
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -2169 990 353 while standing at -2638 1208 -27 November 2020
how do I get up there