22/11/67 Round Win % (9 rounds) (Click for more information)

Gigantic - B2

by 14bit


Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at -963 713 -65 while standing at -902 645 -59 March 2021
these rock disps are a bit flat
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: March 2021
scoring team have their mini-humiliation mode)
Avatar Potato left feedback: March 2021
bad game mode
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: March 2021
to circumvent the score crits, you can teleport everyone to spawn before releasing the next ball (aftre letting the
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 2370 661 23 while standing at 2402 695 68 March 2021
tree clips thru concrete a bit
Avatar Succubus Gaming left feedback: March 2021
unfortunately map fell at the end of a test with 2 pass time maps already - recommend u retest
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing left feedback: March 2021
I love that welcome spectator camera haha
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 1791 -999 18 while standing at 1715 -1015 68 (Completed - View) February 2021
Avatar r0nii left feedback: February 2021
i heard victory and loser announcer at once
Avatar Alex.bsp made an annotation at -1441 553 19 while standing at -1447 667 75 (Completed - View) February 2021
Avatar OKaseris left feedback: February 2021
doesn have enough space for passing
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -326 -719 0 while standing at -325 -720 1 February 2021
oh cmon
Avatar OKaseris left feedback: February 2021
needs some ground grass red/blue. the sides...