64/0/36 Round Win % (22 rounds) (Click for more information)

Gigantic - B3

by 14bit


Avatar AjentMM made an annotation at -2579 -1920 68 while standing at -3116 -1920 68 January 2022
clipping into the ground
Avatar Hadull made an annotation at -1339 413 -123 while standing at -1287 170 -91 November 2021
not much team cohesion
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 87 -874 8 while standing at 90 -870 11 (Completed - View) November 2021
Avatar places you shouldn't be left feedback: November 2021
maps fine
Avatar places you shouldn't be left feedback: November 2021
i think i wouldve had funm if i wouldnt instantly die to the one demoknight on the enemy team every fucking time
Avatar fluury made an annotation at -1238 449 -221 while standing at -1192 445 71 (Completed - View) November 2021
Avatar chin made an annotation at 2173 -581 796 while standing at 2184 -581 833 (Completed - View) November 2021
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -71 869 12 while standing at -70 871 11 (Completed - View) November 2021
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: November 2021
problematic to have any team cohesion, but that may be the game mode
Avatar fluury left feedback: November 2021
if you dont want to make any changes to the core gamemode I think this is the peak of default PASS Time
Avatar fluury left feedback: November 2021
This map is as good as default PASS Time gets
Avatar ZeppyDingus made an annotation at -2663 -416 22 while standing at -2625 -592 68 (Completed - View) November 2021
Avatar ZeppyDingus left feedback: November 2021
genuinely love the back and forth on this map
Avatar Yellow Dice made an annotation at -4356 -1460 129 while standing at -4560 -1664 129 November 2021
stop making pass time maps no one likes this game mode
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -2228 -259 -189 while standing at -2107 -530 -179 November 2021
I got really high and died
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -2803 -363 -31 while standing at -3648 -355 68 October 2021
I feel like the run in goal should be here and the throw in should be at that shed or tree up front.
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: October 2021
which means that the worse team suffers all round (2/2)
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: October 2021
after being pushed back into your base, pushing back to the extent that you score is too much of a task (1/2)
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -5074 -114 35 while standing at -4096 706 68 October 2021
this area back here is never used. Could easily be cut.
Avatar CHICKEN GREMLIN left feedback: October 2021
I feel like this map needs to be played at higher playercounts
Avatar Flipy left feedback: October 2021
red had the 1st round of this test won after the first 2 or so minutes, and we had to drag out that victory for 10
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: October 2021
this map is pretty
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at -115 1058 68 while standing at -52 1130 80 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: June 2021
at mid*
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: June 2021
theres a pretty large amount of oob trees that probably contribute somewhat to the low fps
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: June 2021
i dont see how they got those crates up there though
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 1824 -927 494 while standing at 1936 -772 648 June 2021
i like this area a lot, reminds me of thundermountain stage 2 blu spawn for some reason
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: June 2021
holy shit trimping at mid is fun
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: June 2021
maybe reduce one to a small
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at -1920 795 142 while standing at -1888 696 192 June 2021
i understand this room is a pretty important flank and staging area but 2 mediums seems too much
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at -1984 -253 -200 while standing at -2062 -398 -141 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar fluury left feedback: June 2021
map looks good :)
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at -1345 -670 -166 while standing at -1337 -551 -136 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at -2117 250 208 while standing at -2129 255 211 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at -1278 307 53 while standing at -1190 286 70 June 2021
I'd lower the lightmap scale under lights like this and increase it on low-contrast/importance areas like ceilings/roofs
Avatar fluury left feedback: (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar CHICKEN GREMLIN made an annotation at -449 -965 143 while standing at -484 -936 -59 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 617 -637 64 while standing at 627 -545 66 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar places you shouldn't be left feedback: June 2021
when theres alot of people on mid i drop frames quite alot
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 1702 -142 -14 while standing at 4795 212 53 June 2021
could probs use areaportalwindows on the entrances to this area if you're not already
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 1472 -763 47 while standing at 1455 -767 68 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar places you shouldn't be made an annotation at 1562 578 -79 while standing at 1749 604 -170 June 2021
sometimes rocket jumping here this beam ruins it
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 1061 -1223 77 while standing at 1021 -1156 68 June 2021
these arrow signs should probs be in front of the fence? idk
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! made an annotation at 1841 830 -197 while standing at 2350 1051 132 (Completed - View) June 2021
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing left feedback: June 2021
framerate at the back of the goal areas is incredibly low
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 1698 666 33 while standing at 3683 1046 68 June 2021
poor FPS
Avatar ZeppyDingus left feedback: April 2021
defending mid defines the winning team, i feel like
Avatar Alex.bsp made an annotation at 1470 -1225 151 while standing at 1459 -1071 68 April 2021
hide this texture change with the beam maybe?
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -4576 600 11 while standing at -4535 615 18 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar blamo left feedback: April 2021
I like how many different heights there are which further allows unlocks like the atomizer to shine, which is fun
Avatar and brotha, I gift people. left feedback: April 2021
constant death for team that is losing
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -5095 383 77 while standing at -5095 385 132 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -4313 891 27 while standing at -4013 837 404 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Alex.bsp made an annotation at 1445 -517 14 while standing at 1447 -631 68 April 2021
make these boards non solid
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: April 2021
I love the trees
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -4821 -1092 183 while standing at -4620 -1164 381 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe made an annotation at 2727 -528 435 while standing at 1542 -833 105 April 2021
jumping into this building is awesome
Avatar ZeppyDingus made an annotation at -1306 -944 7 while standing at -1941 -1359 183 April 2021
i don't see players using this route as often. Maybe direct players to it more?
Avatar swagGCP made an annotation at 2880 -425 15 while standing at 3075 -350 -65 April 2021
maybe extend this overhang a bit so it's more obvious when people are dropping down that there is something below them
Avatar Alex.bsp made an annotation at 2541 -886 109 while standing at 2413 -889 164 April 2021
the reflection is weird here
Avatar blamo left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: April 2021
maybe cut down on the number of routes?
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -3818 549 -14 while standing at -3668 444 5 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -3997 -1273 308 while standing at -4223 -1214 447 April 2021
who would store barrels up here
Avatar ZeppyDingus made an annotation at -1143 -71 -137 while standing at -1111 -232 -1 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar ZeppyDingus left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: April 2021
I feel like the map is a bit wide and it's a bit hard to prevent rush goals as a result
Avatar Alex.bsp made an annotation at 3933 679 -40 while standing at 3979 785 3 April 2021
I would make these pipes bigger so people know they can walk up them
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 3032 -156 -165 while standing at 2987 -187 -134 April 2021
by that, i mean when i'm here it's kind of hard to figure out how to get back up to the goal
Avatar norfolk left feedback: April 2021
whenever im on the lower route i find it kind of hard to get back up to the throw goal.
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: April 2021
not a fan of the score critz
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 522 132 -205 while standing at 494 134 -160 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar norfolk left feedback: April 2021
the spec cam overlooking the bonus goal is really cool
Avatar Lo-fi Longcat made an annotation at -1631 283 -113 while standing at -1608 295 -91 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Idolon left feedback: April 2021
weird round where a team managed to just completely take over the enemy base and scored like 3 points without leaving
Avatar Alex.bsp made an annotation at -3966 -697 -71 while standing at -4024 -756 -44 April 2021
you should make this pipe bigger
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -2367 1046 133 while standing at -2453 1064 179 April 2021
i heard warning sounds here between a goal and the ball's respawning? idk why
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: April 2021
this reminds me of a forest
Avatar bajablink left feedback: April 2021
this reminds me of sawmill
Avatar Zeus made an annotation at 2579 1912 68 while standing at 3186 1912 68 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at 0 0 249 while standing at 146 148 4 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 1878 867 -138 while standing at 1941 858 -118 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -249 866 223 while standing at 911 -889 60 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar bajablink made an annotation at -2971 -1648 27 while standing at -3057 -1902 68 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar bajablink left feedback: April 2021
this feels like a valve map!
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at 715 -1048 68 while standing at 983 -280 -91 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Idolon left feedback: April 2021
this is like the 50th symmetrical map we've played this test in a row so expect some burnout
Avatar Эмil made an annotation at 3312 1693 522 while standing at 3292 1591 518 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar fluury made an annotation at -1224 429 -122 while standing at -1163 375 -84 April 2021
shadows scuffed?
Avatar fluury made an annotation at -989 421 -27 while standing at -888 241 42 April 2021
oddldy cubic displacement
Avatar Эмil made an annotation at -1645 926 486 while standing at -1969 748 657 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar chin made an annotation at 2174 -586 799 while standing at 2184 -585 836 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar my medic is a 3rd grader made an annotation at -96 876 267 while standing at -129 703 4 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: April 2021
you can disable on cap crits with logic
Avatar fluury left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Jacov made an annotation at -2962 -2013 8 while standing at -3183 -2056 68 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar catfish left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Эмil made an annotation at 1074 113 -118 while standing at 1167 255 47 April 2021
very cool when fat heavy just jump on this pad and instantly moves to the mid and kills everyone unexpectably
Avatar Jacov made an annotation at 1568 603 -235 while standing at 1593 591 -246 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar catfish made an annotation at 150 -548 -35 while standing at 116 -553 11 April 2021
plz add med ammo here
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -1919 -1002 -153 while standing at -2133 -972 -91 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar norfolk left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: April 2021
mid is still way too open for me to put any long-lasting, useful tele anywhere
Avatar Defcon left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar TC BILL made an annotation at 1739 683 -216 while standing at 1693 905 -47 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 1629 451 -158 while standing at 1800 280 -157 April 2021
i'd replace the various wood wall textures you're using with this one
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 4963 1623 216 while standing at 5015 1617 267 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Zeus left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar SUPANERD360 left feedback: April 2021
this is the best forest themed map i have played on, the theme just makes me FEEL good
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -39 -865 8 while standing at -42 -629 11 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Defcon left feedback: April 2021
more small foliage like bushes would be nice
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 962 -460 -88 while standing at 699 -360 -123 April 2021
this cliff is very square
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: April 2021
map feels kinda dark
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 4643 650 473 while standing at 4242 526 213 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -2464 -506 23 while standing at -2596 -148 357 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -3710 -509 453 while standing at -3273 -477 441 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar norfolk left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Flipy left feedback: April 2021
add a dragon
Avatar foolish samurai warrior left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -1891 -1105 -86 while standing at -2054 -1107 -84 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -1373 -670 -170 while standing at -1315 -488 -154 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 164 896 -40 while standing at 102 871 20 (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021
Avatar norfolk left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2021