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by Unknown


Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2024
great unique routes and areas
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 518 -1773 21 while standing at 453 -1765 69 May 2024
want a tad more space here to run through
Avatar lil Loafy left feedback: May 2024
my frammeesss hurt
Avatar Nutitoo made an annotation at 18 1059 153 while standing at 35 1020 200 May 2024
this water texture doesnt look like its flowing
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2024
areas? I know you're fightiong the skybox colors 2/2
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: May 2024
More framerate increases please! Map can still get pretty hard to run :((
Avatar Kiglirs made an annotation at -692 -98 402 while standing at -692 -61 423 May 2024
make those stairs wider (3rd time's the charm!)
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2024
Lighting is a little strong in LDR. Is it possible to desaturate things slightly or create some brighter artificially lit1/
Avatar Kiglirs left feedback: May 2024
make those stairs wider
Avatar Nutitoo made an annotation at 1441 -672 293 while standing at 1440 -647 332 May 2024
maybe fix clippin on those chairs
Avatar Kiglirs left feedback: May 2024
make those stairs wider
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 1606 667 17 while standing at 1803 928 68 May 2024
may want this arrow to point both ways? was a bit confusing the first few times I saw it
Avatar Blumberquack left feedback: May 2024
agree with lacry, makes sense but man they're kinda spammy lol
Avatar Kiglirs left feedback: May 2024
make something to mark what's the cap zone around the boat, it's hard to see when it's blocking or not
Avatar Lacry left feedback: May 2024
maybe lower the seagulls sound frequency?
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: May 2024
Agree with Kaia; I LOVE Leicoast to bits
Avatar Nutitoo made an annotation at 1017 1004 262 while standing at 979 1309 324 May 2024
this spawn exit feels kinda akwards
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2024
Genuinely the most fun I've had on PD in years.
Avatar Mysterious Stranger left feedback: May 2024
half the map is sniper hell, the other half is also sniper hell.
Avatar Katsu! :3 made an annotation at -430 -1894 -1 while standing at -738 -2368 -7 May 2024
lacry my fraaaaaames!!!!!
Avatar Nutitoo left feedback: May 2024
not sure if intended but the boat moves kinda fast
Avatar Nutitoo left feedback: May 2024
cool map
Avatar Blumberquack made an annotation at 913 364 229 while standing at 1019 355 267 May 2024
this keeps making me think it's some crouching red player in the corner of my eye
Avatar Mysterious Stranger left feedback: May 2024
my frames have been basically dead the entire time here :/
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2024
The voicelines are a bit hard to hear (could be my audio balance, but TF doesn't give many options).
Avatar Blumberquack left feedback: May 2024
not sure if it's the map but the victory theme cut out after half a sec to let the announcer talk
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: May 2024
boat coming soon voice line canceled the victory music