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Pit Of Death - b2

by Roll


Avatar SnickerPuffs left feedback: November 2015
I love the bats that fly out of the skull when the portal opens
Avatar Construction Zombie made an annotation at -515 3213 -32 while standing at -540 3183 0 November 2015
from an architectural perspective, these stairs make no sense, try junk with a playerclip?
Avatar Anreol left feedback: October 2015
someway i just died when left hell, maybe because the mini spell run out
Avatar Anreol left feedback: October 2015
the .nav for skeletons still missing
Avatar Anreol left feedback: October 2015
You can get stuck in some displacements of hell when the mini spell runs out
Avatar Anreol made an annotation at 1143 -9760 -1932 while standing at 1152 -9752 -1903 October 2015
i got stuck
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2015
Fell into the pit. Instead of shooting out and falling, I ended up inside of a wall.
Avatar Aces left feedback: October 2015
map unclear about what to do with the gift
Avatar LionelTabre made an annotation at -523 1006 -244 while standing at -184 876 -116 October 2015
Door does not move, but it still works
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: October 2015
a second portal exit bottom near pipe could be interesting like people suggest, nerf hill
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: October 2015
at the moment the point is too defendable
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: October 2015
make it so players don't want to sit near the portal area
Avatar Whispy left feedback: October 2015
Perhaps add a second portal entrance to increase traffic in other map areas
Avatar Knusperfrosch left feedback: October 2015
attackers have to walk up those ramps to the portal tower
Avatar tyler left feedback: October 2015
need speed boost in underworld
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: October 2015
suspend something over the pit/portal so you can jump into it and fall straight down
Avatar MaccyF made an annotation at 675 2992 -126 while standing at 1010 2904 117 October 2015
this ledge seems a bit op
Avatar piss baby made an annotation at -142 7854 -184 while standing at 72 7667 -126 October 2015
I don't like the current position of the spawn. It doesn't show the other door properly
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2015
map does not contain a small version of koth_toastroast, this is a problem
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: October 2015
maybe even make the deposit speed slower
Avatar piss baby left feedback: October 2015
i think its definetly goofy
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: October 2015
does feel goofy enough to be a halloween map
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: October 2015
id put some visual effect during the countdown to win like on watergate
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: October 2015
biggest issue with the map is deffo the fps
Avatar MaccyF made an annotation at -618 5573 -272 while standing at -621 5672 -231 October 2015
perhaps playerclip this
Avatar MaccyF made an annotation at -146 7621 -135 while standing at -119 7634 -126 October 2015
this door is hidden when you spawn
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: October 2015
can i get a sniping spot plz
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -754 2137 -133 while standing at -755 2060 -128 October 2015
this upper area should lead somewhere.
Avatar arsonist made an annotation at 1193 4033 -400 while standing at 1038 5278 -101 October 2015
More FPS drops
Avatar MaccyF made an annotation at 328 6120 -270 while standing at 353 6164 -251 October 2015
stair is awkwardly orientated
Avatar arsonist made an annotation at 605 4172 105 while standing at -605 4262 104 October 2015
More FPS drops
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2015
seriously do something about that respawn time, it's unreasonable
Avatar arsonist made an annotation at 546 2433 -264 while standing at -64 1302 -116 October 2015
Looking this way, massive FPS drops
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: October 2015
i got 20seconds
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: October 2015
respawn tiem is super long for no reason
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -910 2151 -167 while standing at -871 2007 -315 October 2015
I wish I could jump over this lower angled area.
Avatar tyler left feedback: October 2015
every bit of this is amazing
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -39 501 -136 while standing at -52 518 -123 October 2015
this chainsaw next to the morge scares me.
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2015
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at -617 3854 -47 while standing at -518 3749 11 October 2015
Light bleeding
Avatar MaccyF left feedback: October 2015
bad optimisation