100/0/0 Round Win % (2 rounds) (Click for more information)


by cappucci


Avatar The -- Jorolap made an annotation at -432 1054 319 while standing at -436 1056 355 August 2023
why can I stand here but not 1 higher?
Avatar md made an annotation at 2704 -1089 314 while standing at 2991 -1389 444 August 2023
dead space around spawn, maybe block some of this area off? move the fences closer?
Avatar uttercolor made an annotation at -169 -1098 556 while standing at -35 -978 452 August 2023
Avatar md left feedback: August 2023
low playercount, but had fun, liked how you couldn't jump up onto the ramp from below
Avatar uttercolor made an annotation at 2765 -857 384 while standing at 3241 -371 324 August 2023
i don't know your plans, so mabye this will end up making sense, but these spawns are kinda weird looking
Avatar The -- Jorolap made an annotation at -545 782 123 while standing at -579 835 179 August 2023
this slope can be steeper to minimize the height diffrence to top
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: August 2023
great job for an A1, this is really good and I hope you keep working on it
Avatar md made an annotation at -528 -666 359 while standing at -536 -631 388 August 2023
like here too, extend the ramp to fill this space?
Avatar md made an annotation at -1287 -618 304 while standing at -1377 -662 356 August 2023
there's a few weird little corners like this, maybe just block these off?
Avatar DaVinchi (brokering) left feedback: August 2023
good map
Avatar Charlie Brown made an annotation at 2473 -93 172 while standing at 2730 -79 213 August 2023
people can hide on these spots on spawn
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: August 2023
I do like the moving platform cap zone, good idea