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by Unknown


Avatar Gismo Gaming left feedback: March 2023
but I do think this is fun either way
Avatar asd417 made an annotation at 207 -441 8 while standing at -38 -493 75 March 2023
dont make pd like koth they work differently
Avatar Gismo Gaming left feedback: March 2023
think I said this last time, but this is playing more like a koth map than a pd map. People are camping the point area
Avatar Barrett left feedback: March 2023
lotta fun! not very big, but i think that's a good sacrifice for some small fun, good job!
Avatar ham made an annotation at 117 -249 -33 while standing at 7 -98 267 March 2023
I like the incinerator pit because it is funny
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: March 2023
enjoyed it, gimmick is cool
Avatar ITSPICE left feedback: March 2023
the brushwork is very clean and pretty
Avatar asd417 made an annotation at -554 162 184 while standing at -416 1214 75 March 2023
good koth map but not sure if this is pd map
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at 829 2493 14 while standing at 818 2425 71 March 2023
clip this
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade left feedback: March 2023
blu respawn doors open for red team too I was able to place a tele exit that got me inside
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade made an annotation at -239 2979 -55 while standing at -334 3231 7 March 2023
inside blu spawn as red
Avatar bajablink left feedback: March 2023
i think this would be better as a koth map