63/0/38 Round Win % (8 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar eighntes left feedback: July 2020
Sorry for screaming so much during the test. I feel like the concrete room would make a great staging area if RED couldn't get "behind" it. The main entrance is hard to go near because snipers have a surprisingly large amount of angles thru the door, so it feels like you have to always be challenging a sniper when you walk past it. On last, the train is a fun addition, but it always would get a couple cheesy kills that I'm not sure how to feel about. Maybe that is intended. Also, the general area which defenders get to stand on last is kind of ... narrow? because the low ground is low, and the rest is on the train track.
Avatar Tumby left feedback: July 2020
can blu get more time for B or like a forward or something
Avatar XBOX User left feedback: July 2020
B feels really far away for blue, considering RED spawns on top of it
Avatar Biggest Boss [Knockout] made an annotation at 2109 -1271 162 while standing at 2185 -1351 180 July 2020
im stuck inside the spawn
Avatar XBOX User left feedback: July 2020
I don't like how many blind turns blue has to do at A.
Avatar Mr. Burguers made an annotation at -4319 -2576 402 while standing at -4327 -2658 452 July 2020
why can you get in here
Avatar X3_ left feedback: July 2020
i can stand next to any of the spawn exits on blu firing while resupplying constantly
Avatar Zerro left feedback: July 2020
that looks stupid
Avatar X3_ made an annotation at -3742 -2172 45 while standing at -3705 -2142 68 July 2020
move this back
Avatar eighntes left feedback: July 2020
the concrete room is a poor staging area because red can come in from the side
Avatar PBSpiralGamer left feedback: July 2020
me and the spy got on the thing
Avatar kid crayola left feedback: July 2020
they shouldn't be able to spawn camp that easily on last
Avatar PBSpiralGamer left feedback: July 2020
I like this map
Avatar Yoshark left feedback: July 2020
red can still access their forward spawn after B is capped
Avatar Mâché made an annotation at -2559 -1432 329 while standing at -2568 -1565 196 July 2020
you can just barely stand up here
Avatar RGB made an annotation at -4398 -2384 52 while standing at -4682 -2265 171 July 2020
text is backwards on door