33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Elias made an annotation at 5057 6830 997 while standing at 5009 6792 1033 February 2017
you can get up here and it's very dark
Avatar Cosmic Toast made an annotation at 8222 6893 735 while standing at 8270 6609 732 February 2017
um I shouldnt be here
Avatar Duki Nuki left feedback: February 2017
death trigger is completely over the last deathpit
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2017
hallways leading to stage 1 point 2 too small width
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 5432 6535 593 while standing at 5235 6545 649 February 2017
really dark
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: February 2017
last too close to red spawn
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 6591 7741 868 while standing at 6326 7649 905 February 2017
this would be a great flank route for attackers
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 7264 7101 991 while standing at 7496 6855 1290 February 2017
really tight checkpoint (would also make a good spectator cam)
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 6884 7300 1174 while standing at 6919 7318 1299 February 2017
really high height advantage that only certain classes can get
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 3393 6674 471 while standing at 6179 7298 904 February 2017
this sightline here
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 6146 7325 884 while standing at 6308 7357 905 February 2017
this sightline is very great which is bad
Avatar Cosmic Toast left feedback: February 2017
I cant find any ammo packs
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 4927 7031 795 while standing at 5176 7142 777 February 2017
really wierd patches of light
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 6341 6883 847 while standing at 6439 7107 905 February 2017
really bright
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 2304 5531 457 while standing at 2037 5654 492 February 2017
make this texture like the rest of the walls
Avatar Cosmic Toast left feedback: February 2017
missing track
Avatar erk left feedback: February 2017
very dark around 2nd stage
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: February 2017
suffix is appropriate
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: February 2017
so dark i cant see anything
Avatar Elias made an annotation at -502 7066 484 while standing at -403 7017 731 February 2017
it is also dark on this roof
Avatar Elias made an annotation at -798 7034 210 while standing at -790 6951 260 February 2017
make this a medium sized health pack and add patches
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 789 6656 673 while standing at 736 6694 714 February 2017
it's really dark up on the roof
Avatar Pocket made an annotation at -384 6325 128 while standing at 2087 6059 395 February 2017
I like sniping through this gap but that's a good sign that it's OP
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 725 6884 577 while standing at 339 7534 339 February 2017
you shouldn't be able to get up there
Avatar Elias left feedback: February 2017
respawn times are too quick for blu
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 1427 6814 342 while standing at 1936 6779 778 February 2017
this area is ver open
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2017
put funky music eminating all the time from the cart, this will help motivate the attackers to push through the choke
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at 1026 6542 672 while standing at 1079 6503 713 February 2017
is this meant to be a place i can go?
Avatar 144p YouTube Video made an annotation at -75 6292 132 while standing at -37 6189 163 February 2017
maybe put a fence or something here so you don't walk out of spawn and fall into the pit
Avatar Elias left feedback: February 2017
add railroad tracks to guide the player where they are pushing
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2017
2nd stage 2nd point red spawn RIGHT ON TOP OF CART WHAT
Avatar Pocket left feedback: February 2017
Why. Would you put a deathpit. Immediately. Outside spawn.
Avatar Elias left feedback: February 2017
maybe dont put a death pit on stage 2 ad it could lead to less flank routes
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 776 4551 -301 while standing at 498 4672 -26 February 2017
why a death pit here
Avatar Elias made an annotation at -157 4279 -14 while standing at -170 4194 33 February 2017
very cramped respawn room and could lead to spam
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: February 2017
red spawns little close to shutter
Avatar Cosmic Toast left feedback: February 2017
very short maybe make the timer shorter?
Avatar Elias left feedback: February 2017
add displacements for subtle height variation
Avatar Idolon left feedback: February 2017
red spawn doors dont work correctly - they shut in my face a lot
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 992 3504 259 while standing at 1022 3467 313 February 2017
only a scout can get up here
Avatar 9_Loves made an annotation at 683 1797 148 while standing at 706 1636 211 February 2017
missing rails near first point
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 40 1821 144 while standing at 63 1065 329 February 2017
put a ramp to get to the upper ground
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 333 -725 103 while standing at 172 -851 75 February 2017
no need for a ressuply here
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 733 -147 234 while standing at 489 -178 201 February 2017
that is really bright
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 119 -125 16 while standing at 290 -271 73 February 2017
it is dark under here
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 33 -60 24 while standing at 678 -225 73 February 2017
what is holding this platform up?
Avatar Elias left feedback: February 2017
put the actual version please