33/0/67 Round Win % (9 rounds) (Click for more information)


by CholesterolCarl98


Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 981 -75 213 while standing at 1026 -44 257 July 2020
and you have to walk through half of Red's defences to actually get to the point area
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 961 -257 211 while standing at 991 -315 257 July 2020
I also feel like it's not that great when you do actually get to this bit. It feels pretty exposed
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 1229 -162 137 while standing at 1360 -153 161 July 2020
I've never liked this bit of A. It's just something you walk up and hope you don't get fucked by explosives on
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed made an annotation at -42 319 407 while standing at -190 294 427 July 2020
my framerate dips in this position
Avatar DR VLAD CRAZY left feedback: July 2020
nice death pit at last
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -1733 -918 -28 while standing at -1735 -920 -30 July 2020
dark up here, though that might be fine
Avatar DR VLAD CRAZY made an annotation at -221 -1448 189 while standing at -228 -1419 196 July 2020
add a window or something here
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 881 -1990 252 while standing at 871 -1968 289 (Completed - View) July 2020
Avatar Tang made an annotation at -168 -327 80 while standing at -137 -327 64 July 2020
I just got stuck in the brush?
Avatar Mâché left feedback: July 2020
everyone is funneled into a single choke on B
Avatar Ghost made an annotation at 1941 104 -52 while standing at 2051 29 1 (Completed - View) July 2020
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at 2459 1038 79 while standing at 2581 947 99 (Completed - View) July 2020
Avatar Ghost made an annotation at 2750 494 26 while standing at 3003 413 68 (Completed - View) July 2020
Avatar chin left feedback: July 2020
dont serve to halt their progress at all
Avatar chin left feedback: July 2020
B point isnt very interesting for RED, feels like BLU has all the options and vision while we get 2 closets that dont serve
Avatar thom made an annotation at -41 -2707 -240 while standing at -24 -2919 -241 July 2020
too steep
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 183 914 179 while standing at 257 854 196 July 2020
chunky stairs
Avatar Sleepy Joe Awakens left feedback: July 2020
blue's forward spawn after capping point give red little room to defend
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: July 2020
that way everyone can see there is a way forward
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 made an annotation at 933 -2089 151 while standing at 980 -2107 196 July 2020
I keep seeing people go the wrong way here sometimes, maybe turn all of this into chicken wire.
Avatar haraldhardrada left feedback: July 2020
sniper sightline onto first point is insane. can completely shut down entire offense
Avatar eighntes made an annotation at -333 -1851 -28 while standing at -2503 -1781 -276 July 2020
like here?
Avatar eighntes left feedback: July 2020
there was this one insane sightline near 2nd where a defending sniper ould crouch and get an unreal angle
Avatar MOB101 made an annotation at -1811 411 -185 while standing at -2055 219 -123 July 2020
room is empty?
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -141 -1424 144 while standing at -176 -1341 193 (Completed - View) July 2020
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 373 -548 417 while standing at 101 257 129 July 2020
this roof looks like one i should be able to walk on given how i can stand on the platform over the point