86/0/14 Round Win % (7 rounds) (Click for more information)


by CholesterolCarl98


Avatar OctoBlitz made an annotation at -1737 2746 -130 while standing at -3585 525 -116 September 2020
Huge sightline here
Avatar Mâché made an annotation at -486 -2501 -246 while standing at -468 -2629 -180 September 2020
what is
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: September 2020
if that wasnt evidence last has a problem idk what would be
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: August 2020
last too hard
Avatar Idolon left feedback: August 2020
difficult for many classes to participate on last. great for soldier, not so much for pyro and scout
Avatar mr. piggy business left feedback: August 2020
put some clipping in by the planks by the last point under
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -3404 1284 -126 while standing at -3215 1284 -126 August 2020
I really, really hate this spawn location
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 886 -2063 250 while standing at 795 -2153 243 August 2020
the tileing on this net is weird at this distance. can see grid lines where it tiles
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -2248 194 -134 while standing at -2282 403 -123 August 2020
I spawned in a man
Avatar chin made an annotation at -2267 1909 -109 while standing at -2454 1950 -116 August 2020
this fence's collisions are a bit wonky for sniping past
Avatar ibex left feedback: August 2020
blu is getting to spawn way easier than the cart
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at -2350 2143 -292 while standing at -2442 2173 -305 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 1502 108 -61 while standing at 1306 -663 4 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 996 1229 146 while standing at 1027 1322 164 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 3144 212 -30 while standing at 3130 215 19 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 3104 163 -21 while standing at 3172 191 8 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar Alex EatDonut left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: August 2020
I feel like both Red and Blue need more of an area to hold on last. Otherwise it's just who wins DMing
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -2591 -1898 -217 while standing at -2489 -1886 -251 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 1866 -2206 192 while standing at 1685 -2122 196 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 made an annotation at 1420 -227 211 while standing at 1465 -202 245 August 2020
this chickenwire is hard to see
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 620 1112 211 while standing at 669 1059 260 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar dragon small z made an annotation at 783 439 17 while standing at 612 786 257 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 78 -156 85 while standing at 24 -201 139 August 2020
Red needs more support on A
Avatar olivetho made an annotation at 2854 1345 91 while standing at 2848 1345 97 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar olivetho made an annotation at 1368 499 153 while standing at 1387 493 130 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar RGB left feedback: August 2020
re: previous, looked like everyone spawned inside each other
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 681 864 246 while standing at 590 679 240 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar Tails8521 left feedback: August 2020
one of the few maps here where spy is really enjoyable
Avatar RGB made an annotation at -2156 372 -180 while standing at -1999 404 -123 August 2020
is there only one info_spawn here?
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 2694 16 97 while standing at 2714 30 164 August 2020
fix railing
Avatar Idolon left feedback: August 2020
open up the B flank shed to the yard area behind it so that flank is more open and friendly to combat
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at -2386 1232 90 while standing at -2282 1195 113 August 2020
this fence can be jumped over, not sure if intentional
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -2118 223 -179 while standing at -2233 508 -123 August 2020
dead end room?
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 281 -2172 21 while standing at 300 -2240 70 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar Baryonic Matter made an annotation at 280 -231 67 while standing at 270 1039 203 August 2020
this sightline is insane
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at -459 -1402 193 while standing at -459 -1403 193 August 2020
put window here (bitches love them)
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -130 168 84 while standing at -149 227 130 August 2020
elevator floor is very dark
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -274 -1808 -36 while standing at -306 -1816 -11 August 2020
nobuild pls
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: August 2020
consider reducing spawn times for Red at A?
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 970 1230 154 while standing at 963 1271 175 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 2042 1346 83 while standing at 2655 1206 134 August 2020
aggressive fade on that red roof metal behind the wagon wheel in that shed up there.
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 3108 157 -3 while standing at 3143 159 4 (Completed - View) August 2020
Avatar RGB made an annotation at 2770 1092 111 while standing at 2964 875 123 August 2020
should I be able to shoot through this?
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 765 -94 256 while standing at 416 -200 196 August 2020
building a mini on this crate gives it partial cover