33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar dominikrni made an annotation at 3228 834 37 while standing at 3160 729 46 July 2020
double brush
Avatar catfish left feedback: July 2020
that trashcan is throwing us
Avatar Suna left feedback: July 2020
trashcan is floating
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: July 2020
jesus trash
Avatar dominikrni made an annotation at 3107 445 11 while standing at 3417 445 11 July 2020
floating trashcan
Avatar meowfang left feedback: July 2020
theres a floating trashcan on last
Avatar goose made an annotation at -1701 -1220 -171 while standing at -1735 -1219 -153 July 2020
I'm stuck here
Avatar meowfang left feedback: July 2020
i feel like on first point A is directed to flank instead of attack the point
Avatar Suna made an annotation at 2957 252 576 while standing at -96 28 427 July 2020
stinky zfighting on that window