33/33/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by KubeKing - MM


Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
Sometimes confused about where I am being shot from
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
The objective has talen a backseat
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: June 2016
the building with two rectangular windows is really hard to get into cos of the ramp. add steps by the doors pls
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: June 2016
you can snipe from one spawn to the other
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
Action is a bit spammy like
Avatar re1wind made an annotation at -496 -317 20 while standing at -511 -307 64 June 2016
some clipping issues here
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 1761 841 48 while standing at 1820 742 107 June 2016
Please don't make tiny props like this solid!
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
Map is far too small
Avatar RataDeOrdenador left feedback: June 2016
I think there's ONE map that uses this gamemode too... You should get the cart model... And also look at that same map
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
Hard to see players sometimes because of the darkness
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
Map is quite dim
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: June 2016
keep getting sniped by people inddors when i'm outdoors and it's not very fun
Avatar RataDeOrdenador left feedback: June 2016
that goes for both sides... And probably the last CP.
Avatar RataDeOrdenador made an annotation at -368 938 -29 while standing at -373 1086 46 June 2016
a rollback here might be a nice idea. MAYBE.
Avatar Engels, Friedrich left feedback: June 2016
brush made stairs are uggllyy
Avatar re1wind left feedback: June 2016
especially interior areas
Avatar re1wind left feedback: June 2016
map is too dark. i can't see enemies half the time
Avatar Pocket made an annotation at 6 -1372 243 while standing at 88 -1501 262 June 2016
This model appears to be missing its bumpmap
Avatar Simon450 left feedback: June 2016
maybe close paths depending on where the cart is
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -41 -13 -52 while standing at -109 -39 -3 June 2016
these pickups are too close together, hard to only get the one you need
Avatar Tumby left feedback: June 2016
instead of disabling collision, just put a clip brush around it
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: June 2016
disable clipping on doorframes
Avatar jeff alfredo made an annotation at 1323 -758 121 while standing at 1399 -927 324 June 2016
clip me
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2016
Last point is already really dim, hard to spot enemies sometimes
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2016
Hard to tell which side of the map I am on, there aren't enough team colors
Avatar Engels, Friedrich left feedback: June 2016
the deathpit on the cart's destination says 'fell to climsy etc' while it's full of acid
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 15 1432 -26 while standing at -19 1424 -66 June 2016
too low
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 263 -865 44 while standing at 523 -534 67 June 2016
missing textures