33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: October 2020
feels like it's hard to gain ground to defend as red sometimes
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2020
close door at turntable
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -2120 -2916 -460 while standing at -2119 -2915 -459 October 2020
clip this
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -632 -3399 -483 while standing at -942 -3178 -267 October 2020
might try spitting them off down here?
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -752 -2929 -324 while standing at -884 -3028 -267 October 2020
this area needs a rework again
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -1035 -1795 -321 while standing at -899 -1676 -241 October 2020
the main route is the only route to use for Blue at this point
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -139 275 -106 while standing at -127 185 -75 October 2020
i should be able to shoot through this
Avatar catfish made an annotation at -1240 -2082 -320 while standing at -1239 -2207 -260 October 2020
no flank here this is the only route :)
Avatar ITSPICE made an annotation at -689 1760 -116 while standing at -430 1772 -27 October 2020
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -768 -2365 -296 while standing at -764 -1943 -264 October 2020
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2020
not sure yet
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2020
might add some distance between A and B
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: October 2020
feels like there's no health to retreat to for Red at A
Avatar Lo-fi Longcat made an annotation at -663 1055 -46 while standing at -854 1196 -52 October 2020
helluva sightline
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: October 2020
I'd like rotation between the routes at last for Blue to take less time. Feels like Red has more options to react than Blue
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -4271 110 -416 while standing at -4263 120 -395 October 2020
clip this
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! left feedback: October 2020
Blu is able to advance way too easily with the new shortcuts
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 310 1603 -81 while standing at 268 1716 -27 October 2020
maybe have chickenwire here so I can better see the flank route