33/0/67 Round Win % (6 rounds) (Click for more information)


by nesman


Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: November 2020
Red has nowhere safe to hold last, whole area is open and flat with no cover.
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2020
feelsl like i constantly have to stand way too close to every choke to get anything done as sniper. hard to avoid spam
Avatar Vortigaunt made an annotation at -4316 711 -429 while standing at -4288 732 -431 November 2020
why can blue get here but red can't go around to blues ground
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -5016 -2570 -261 while standing at -5120 -2537 -136 November 2020
Give red an easier time up here. Don't let them be so easily cut off
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -3402 -3773 -396 while standing at -3392 -3771 -395 November 2020
not being able to get the ammo pack in this prop makes me sad :(
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -2570 -3882 -496 while standing at -1882 -3683 -425 November 2020
this area seems fun but we barely get to play in it because red has nowhere to hold
Avatar eyes left feedback: November 2020
i think blue's advantage after A has to do with spawn placement- ie red's second and third spawns are too far from the poin
Avatar Vortigaunt left feedback: November 2020
if blue gets past A they almost always will win, consider looking into that
Avatar Tang left feedback: November 2020
feels like blu still has so much of an advantage over red
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 775 1263 69 while standing at 817 1470 277 November 2020
i like this area. i wish the area around the cart path was more like this
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: November 2020
doesn't feel like I have anywhere to build on last as Red because Blue gets such easy access to that strong highground
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -3513 1215 -328 while standing at -3478 1283 -324 November 2020
being able to watch the main entrance to last from inside spawn kinda sucks
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: November 2020
remove jump crates on last
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: November 2020
points seem to get easier for Blue as the round goes on, once A is capped
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -3119 89 -269 while standing at -3364 197 -251 November 2020
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -4775 -2549 -501 while standing at -4617 -2336 -205 November 2020
gonna be really difficult to move through here as spy. No flank at this point
Avatar eyes made an annotation at -3349 -3755 -360 while standing at -3328 -3762 -316 November 2020
the use of a full ammo pack here is a bit confusing
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 made an annotation at -4130 -2367 -291 while standing at -4171 -2266 -276 November 2020
needs arrow here
Avatar Vortigaunt left feedback: November 2020
overall red has a strangling hold on blue, try giving blue an advantage of some sort or revamping A
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 1491 -1878 -79 while standing at 1173 -2091 2 November 2020
this pack probably doesn't need to be here
Avatar eyes made an annotation at 455 -1257 -18 while standing at 314 -1192 43 November 2020
the red spawn here is extremely close to the point they're holding
Avatar You can't call me AL left feedback: November 2020
I feel like you should add more health in places which will be contested by teams. Rather than just places where retreat
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 524 117 -40 while standing at 537 93 8 November 2020
displacement is fucked
Avatar eyes left feedback: November 2020
healthpack placement is too spread out- consolidate some smalls into mediums and maybe add a large if you haven't already
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: November 2020
I keep only finding small health packs when attacking A
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at -868 -2167 -296 while standing at -871 -2213 -254 November 2020
chungy displacements
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -3625 -803 -448 while standing at -3638 -927 -388 November 2020
like in this corner
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -4523 24 -291 while standing at -4504 -131 -228 November 2020
not sure why this pack needs to be here for example. a medium on the lowground to help with cart pushes would be nice
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2020
feels like im finding a small health every 3 feet. maybe combine a few into medium packs
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: November 2020
im still not sure about blu spawn placement
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -2283 -2989 -327 while standing at -2232 -3049 -307 November 2020
this area having two one-way doors feels kinda excessive
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -2068 -2804 -253 while standing at -2458 -3173 -233 November 2020
only thing blocking a pretty bad sightline here is a one-way door
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: November 2020
retest. again.
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: November 2020
consider retesting, little players, may also ask for priority
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: November 2020
hardly anyone here, probably should retest
Avatar ITSPICE left feedback: November 2020