67/0/33 Round Win % (6 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar catfish left feedback: February 2021
i think A just gets held way too often on this map
Avatar ZeppyDingus left feedback: February 2021
I like the look of blue spawn, very nicee stuff going on here
Avatar PSQ, pd enjoyer made an annotation at -251 1412 -22 while standing at -248 1382 -30 February 2021
weird reflections on this
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: January 2021
game sux
Avatar batman returns to the batcave made an annotation at -4830 -2450 -339 while standing at -4177 -2248 -276 January 2021
these stairs should be looked at
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -3823 -2230 -342 while standing at -3960 -2380 -283 January 2021
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at 1444 -477 -3 while standing at 1536 -472 130 January 2021
if red knows to hold this area then pushing A becomes extremely difficult
Avatar Mousetail made an annotation at 245 1195 167 while standing at 376 1133 133 January 2021
feels like I could jump on this
Avatar Idolon left feedback: January 2021
im trying to defend this map but ive been killed once from in front and three times from behind???
Avatar G.A.S. made an annotation at -2083 -2239 -267 while standing at -2344 -2239 -267 January 2021
Reds Door to A point is still slow and you get stopped for a sec as scout