67/0/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)

Precipice Event R3

by Unknown


Avatar Pot Head Pixie made an annotation at -7981 5833 80 while standing at -8006 5838 89 August 2019
and tires
Avatar Pot Head Pixie made an annotation at -8042 5781 36 while standing at -7912 5744 89 August 2019
barrels here not solid
Avatar Jokarcana made an annotation at -1339 7729 583 while standing at -1293 7684 571 July 2019
this exit door goes through the floor above
Avatar KHUNTZA made an annotation at -2850 4894 380 while standing at -2861 5038 436 July 2019
invisible object/brush impeding movement through this doorway
Avatar erk left feedback: July 2019
remove the vortex
Avatar KHUNTZA made an annotation at -4058 6686 529 while standing at -4300 5772 340 July 2019
noticable pop-in of pallet prop at top of this hallway
Avatar KHUNTZA made an annotation at -5960 4284 72 while standing at -6015 4457 100 July 2019
add clipping to door edges
Avatar the sneeze of 87 made an annotation at -1980 7261 567 while standing at -1981 7264 571 July 2019
why can't i walk here
Avatar Phonx left feedback: July 2019
about half way between 2nd and 3rd theres a spot you can get flung up to
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -3571 2597 180 while standing at -3620 2590 223 July 2019
clip these rocks smooth
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -736 3540 -206 while standing at -3060 2679 232 July 2019
the purple fog gets all wierd here
Avatar KHUNTZA made an annotation at -4956 2045 33 while standing at -4999 1847 87 July 2019
physics bug here? I got stuck to the cart.. it could also just be lag
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -4965 3939 34 while standing at -5026 4003 85 July 2019
I can't go through here for some reason
Avatar Yaki made an annotation at -4301 3390 161 while standing at -4187 3322 203 July 2019
stuck in door
Avatar the sneeze of 87 made an annotation at -6227 3122 -210 while standing at -5942 3461 108 July 2019
lighting down here looks a bit flat
Avatar erk made an annotation at -8599 6590 1 while standing at -8156 6138 28 July 2019
put like radiation barrels behind this maybe
Avatar fat cunt made an annotation at -6631 5453 68 while standing at -6621 5401 93 July 2019
displacement seam
Avatar erk made an annotation at -8165 6690 140 while standing at -8196 6659 182 July 2019
is this tools/black?
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -8338 6353 8 while standing at -8159 6535 68 July 2019
I spawned inside someone O.O
Avatar Thewtus made an annotation at -6439 3829 23 while standing at -6960 4161 116 July 2019
fps drops around here
Avatar Phonx left feedback: July 2019
Payload Vores me
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -5104 4431 61 while standing at -5140 4468 84 July 2019
floatin props
Avatar Thewtus made an annotation at -8425 6541 5 while standing at -8034 6442 68 July 2019
I like this detail
Avatar VirulentVictim left feedback: July 2019
invisible wall here
Avatar Phonx left feedback: July 2019
invisible wall in this doorway covers half of said doorway
Avatar erk left feedback: July 2019
like the vortex just makes people stuck in most spots
Avatar erk left feedback: July 2019
the vortex on the cart is weird
Avatar Hallowasniet left feedback: July 2019
resup is best
Avatar Russenluster made an annotation at -3526 3945 65 while standing at -3519 3939 65 July 2019
i like this resupply
Avatar erk made an annotation at -1995 6622 344 while standing at -2166 6769 313 July 2019
box is gently floating
Avatar erk made an annotation at -1798 6961 358 while standing at -2031 6854 352 July 2019
visible nodraw here