63/0/38 Round Win % (8 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 1760 -11 956 while standing at 4721 875 17 March 2022
some oob pines on the far cliff obviously pop in and out here
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 4573 235 129 while standing at 4573 232 129 March 2022
I'd recamend lowering the scale of the chips in the tanks. Could also maybe have the thing spin.
Avatar GlobinHD made an annotation at 6593 2011 44 while standing at 6375 1921 -46 March 2022
very cool attention to detail with the broken light, but I feel this courtyard area is a bit empty feeling
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 3707 1506 210 while standing at 3698 1215 17 March 2022
like this beamwork, this is the good stuff.
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 1818 2196 21 while standing at 2034 2158 -110 March 2022
could use some better beamwork for this overhant
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: March 2022
agree with goblin
Avatar GlobinHD made an annotation at 2983 2845 186 while standing at 2735 2939 1 March 2022
these two bog ol cylinder things also look very bright and hurt my eyes
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 1205 312 462 while standing at 1099 919 -43 March 2022
can easily see that the pine trees up there are the basic ones meant to only be seen from far away as they don't have trunk
Avatar GlobinHD made an annotation at 2128 2871 -188 while standing at 2054 2967 -174 March 2022
very cool detailing behind the door
Avatar GlobinHD made an annotation at -845 1772 35 while standing at -507 1706 49 March 2022
also why is blue forward spawn red colored from the outside
Avatar GlobinHD made an annotation at 1759 2752 -177 while standing at 1756 2759 -174 March 2022
this building stands out as really bright compared to everything else
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -825 -278 -28 while standing at -824 -280 39 March 2022
standing on nothing, might as well put the crate in the corner
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 5783 -461 -78 while standing at 5774 -455 -46 March 2022
this prop is too big to have no collision
Avatar GlobinHD made an annotation at 7280 -61 -166 while standing at 7275 3 -174 March 2022
this sign makes no sense here lol
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 7472 -164 -92 while standing at 7471 -167 -94 March 2022
standing on nothing here
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 7463 -397 11 while standing at 7475 -337 17 March 2022
try lightmap's to deal with the odd angled shadows on these computers
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 7057 572 280 while standing at 7043 140 17 March 2022
it's a shame that all the neat spytech areas are so high up you can't really see em.
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 5206 1963 -12 while standing at 5243 1668 17 March 2022
might as well have this door shut as the track doesn't really go anywhere and mine carts don't make a ton of sense thematic
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 4414 972 153 while standing at 4407 984 184 March 2022
I can stand on this
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: March 2022
that is mostly a joke
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -952 1760 48 while standing at -953 1760 49 March 2022
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 3775 1858 13 while standing at 3780 1864 17 March 2022
clip it smooth and rotate texture on the leg
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 2790 2078 -168 while standing at 2819 2072 -174 March 2022
I'm not big on the mannco crates outside of mvm since you're specificlly defending a mann co base in that.
Avatar john fond made an annotation at 4184 238 -5 while standing at 4143 336 31 March 2022
missing textures
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 467 552 82 while standing at 480 551 113 March 2022
clip the prop or remove it.
Avatar john fond made an annotation at 154 2346 62 while standing at 113 2176 168 March 2022
i feel like i can jump over this fence
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -597 406 -32 while standing at -579 410 -4 March 2022
smooth this out
Avatar john fond made an annotation at 453 1637 -62 while standing at 472 1640 -43 March 2022
having this right next to a doorway makes this a lil annoying to navigate
Avatar batman returns to the batcave left feedback: March 2022
add sun sprite
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: March 2022
siny si very tiny
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -83 -1096 -111 while standing at -72 -1096 -110 March 2022
door flat :(
Avatar Hweepo made an annotation at 2482 746 -42 while standing at 2807 728 -43 March 2022
no collision on this door?
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: March 2022
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 563 1571 100 while standing at 560 1575 99 March 2022
raise the sign so that you can jump up from it
Avatar on grindr for jobs made an annotation at -69 -1279 -77 while standing at -72 -1277 -76 March 2022
maybe make a custom texture showing what dan's wood pulp actually produces etc since you already have this signage in map
Avatar The -- Jorolap made an annotation at 2055 3049 -196 while standing at 1739 3175 -174 March 2022
soundscape makes me think a spy is declouking here
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 6331 537 19 while standing at 6331 535 20 March 2022
I keep thinking this window is open
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 6309 -1765 -11 while standing at 6308 -1767 -11 March 2022
the spytech stuff may be a bit too hidden as it only really shows up at the back of red spawn.
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -75 1153 -37 while standing at -76 1181 -3 March 2022
weird clipping
Avatar Rhamkin made an annotation at 558 2906 27 while standing at 2051 2894 -164 March 2022
prop fade too small for this