20/0/80 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at 432 1416 -806 while standing at 558 1437 -756 April 2023
z fighting
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: April 2023
i like this map, good fun
Avatar Yeoudal made an annotation at -3515 1110 -165 while standing at -3296 1875 67 April 2023
would be neat if it was possible to be on top of this roof
Avatar floofy left feedback: April 2023
this window here feels unnecessary for red, I think this would be a good defense are
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -1185 5967 -1370 while standing at -1227 6001 -1360 April 2023
let me in'
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade made an annotation at -4654 -465 -386 while standing at -4443 -465 -65 April 2023
I can stand on this fence
Avatar floofy made an annotation at -1534 6552 -1355 while standing at -1380 6397 -1315 April 2023
map very gud very fun
Avatar floofy made an annotation at -1791 7311 -1228 while standing at -2078 7599 -1228 April 2023
u should add some slightly non saturated green lights to the crystals on last :3
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at -747 4525 -1384 while standing at -645 4275 -1144 April 2023
Can stand up here
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at 710 4098 -1016 while standing at 437 5355 -1161 April 2023
the glow on the crystals is too strong imo, and it should bleed into the surrounding area
Avatar Yeoudal made an annotation at -1033 5851 -1388 while standing at -1029 5861 -1382 April 2023
rail collisions on the last point are bit large than they should
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -1129 1349 -474 while standing at -1077 1380 -427 April 2023
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at 1672 1880 -756 while standing at 1672 1880 -756 April 2023
can see player shadows through here
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -2064 -1773 -63 while standing at -2066 -1728 -68 April 2023
kind of weird how it switches from the bumpmapped to the flat brick version a few times around here
Avatar TheMysteryMan (Who/What) made an annotation at -904 1328 -471 while standing at -939 1390 -427 April 2023
you can get stuck here sometimes
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: April 2023
still the tinfoil cart, give us the cool new one already :P
Avatar floofy left feedback: April 2023
ball :3
Avatar floofy made an annotation at 168 206 -583 while standing at 742 132 -499 April 2023
map very good owo
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -638 4971 -1446 while standing at -582 4939 -1434 April 2023
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 24 4245 -1093 while standing at 108 4026 -1080 April 2023
clip this pls
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: April 2023
map is still very blu sided, fun though.
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -589 1243 -638 while standing at -680 1109 -604 April 2023
not a fan of these hazard texture use here
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 115 3241 -611 while standing at 96 3211 -587 April 2023
breakable props
Avatar MiNiNinja1308 made an annotation at -3940 -48 -208 while standing at -3831 -71 -155 April 2023
fence here u can walk through
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -2347 -1744 -342 while standing at -2409 -672 -91 April 2023
I am up here, is that OK?
Avatar Tick left feedback: April 2023
good map but there are quite a few labrenth like areas
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -315 5141 -1497 while standing at 1192 4895 -910 April 2023
I am up here
Avatar giddy made an annotation at -1816 4149 -1518 while standing at -1120 4857 -1344 April 2023
can this look more deadly, like i feel like if i jump down ill be fine
Avatar SUPANERD360 made an annotation at 1283 626 -652 while standing at 1250 613 -604 April 2023
i am stuck
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -3993 3184 -221 while standing at -4000 3185 -219 April 2023
more crates more crates more crates
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: April 2023
cramped space around last also makes it easy to kill groups of players at once and makes things like explosives more effect
Avatar giddy left feedback: April 2023
i found myself getting lost a lot on last, could just be user error
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: April 2023
last is disconnected so much from red spawn, it's easy for blu to just push in
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -1738 6322 -1109 while standing at -1745 6321 -1107 April 2023
this should be open
Avatar joshtrademark made an annotation at -431 1541 -649 while standing at -286 1587 -683 April 2023
lone brick texture
Avatar fruit brute fiend made an annotation at -1870 7186 -1235 while standing at -2242 7558 -1235 April 2023
you have to jump over one of the planks in order to walk on it
Avatar Eaug(maj13)sus(b2)\D# left feedback: April 2023
honestly, start of the map looked boring and not unique, but on the last point it changed
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -2263 -487 -327 while standing at -2229 -1469 -347 April 2023
that arrow doesn't help, even if it's for the other team
Avatar Tick made an annotation at 448 1342 -824 while standing at 80 1412 -745 April 2023
give more indication for red that this brakes open
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -2364 -1196 -407 while standing at -2202 -1386 -347 April 2023
too easy to walk to A from the forward blu spawn
Avatar floofy made an annotation at 119 1352 -816 while standing at 359 1393 -756 April 2023
this part goes hard
Avatar giddy made an annotation at -1580 -1625 -131 while standing at -1720 -1597 -78 April 2023
why no healthpacks up here theres like 2 ammo packs
Avatar giddy made an annotation at -661 -549 -346 while standing at -1272 -1527 -78 April 2023
love the stretch of openess that also doesnt let snipers get an insane sightline
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -925 81 -387 while standing at -787 -817 -441 April 2023
these 2 brick walls blend together from this angle.
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -799 356 -445 while standing at -704 156 -375 April 2023
Avatar fruit brute fiend left feedback: April 2023
it needs more dustbowl qualities
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: April 2023
I don't have an issue navigating this map
Avatar giddy made an annotation at -1210 -1958 -112 while standing at -1570 -1932 -78 April 2023
awesome room maybe put a healthpack in it or a sniper window
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2023
I kinda remember thinking that playing for the first time, but it's fine
Avatar fruit brute fiend made an annotation at 247 3499 -587 while standing at 247 4128 -587 April 2023
this map is labyrinthian
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -2696 -1259 -142 while standing at -1246 -1995 -75 April 2023
WHAT is the point of THIS room?
Avatar Eaug(maj13)sus(b2)\D# left feedback: April 2023
map feels kinda confusing
Avatar fruit brute fiend made an annotation at -2775 160 -318 while standing at -3978 -466 -347 April 2023
needs to be more like dustbowl
Avatar giddy left feedback: April 2023
flanks r fun
Avatar fruit brute fiend made an annotation at -4331 1834 -355 while standing at -4099 1736 -383 April 2023
it's no dustbowl
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -4735 539 -297 while standing at -4645 452 -283 April 2023
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -4233 -1378 -79 while standing at -3973 -1314 -347 April 2023
oddly dark over here
Avatar giddy left feedback: April 2023
i like the blu spawn environmentul story telling