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by Unknown


Avatar Woonters left feedback: July 2020
the cart is often in really large areas meaning getting close to the cart is an epic task
Avatar Ghost made an annotation at 7339 7 231 while standing at 7559 -10 52 July 2020
when underneath is not very clear that somebody can come from the top unless you have a reason to watch up, add an arrow
Avatar LastJester510 made an annotation at 7616 -150 -29 while standing at 8204 807 580 July 2020
I can Get on top of here
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed left feedback: July 2020
spanw teleports should be filtered by team
Avatar The Yeetster made an annotation at 9852 89 169 while standing at 10100 170 196 July 2020
when point changed blue and red people spawned inside eachother
Avatar Woonters made an annotation at 3532 -1056 33 while standing at 4029 325 331 July 2020
naturally a giant sign with arrow points me in that direction, it is the wrong direction, maybe have another arrow pointing
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: July 2020
- I can push against the door and end up in red's spawn as a blu player
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at 760 -29 430 while standing at 520 -182 561 July 2020
broken teleport trigger
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -332 1429 483 while standing at -497 1479 484 July 2020
Avatar ryacom left feedback: July 2020
I just had a 17 second respawn plus a 35 second walk to the cart, which is pretty long
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed left feedback: July 2020
the gimmick is cool but it goes by very quickly
Avatar Ghost made an annotation at -2432 -2887 246 while standing at -2340 -2880 324 July 2020
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed left feedback: July 2020
you take fall damage from leaving spawn
Avatar Ghost made an annotation at 7375 -161 10 while standing at 7342 -167 52 July 2020
this looks like a place where health/ammo could be
Avatar Ghost made an annotation at 3529 184 581 while standing at 3520 408 149 July 2020
this beam is an example of stuff stopping stickyjumps to try and make that huge distance more quickly
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: July 2020
otherwise spawns really need to be placed well and you would have 5 different forwards
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: July 2020
I think one point could be removed
Avatar Harribo left feedback: July 2020
only played the back end of this map but it feel overscaled, moreso the last arena with the rocket
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed left feedback: July 2020
work on refining the areas to have only the areas that are actually needed
Avatar RGB left feedback: July 2020
this walk to last is painful
Avatar Ghost left feedback: July 2020
also the low ceilings and various beams make it hard to rocket/sticky jump, and oftenly health packs aren't in the path
Avatar ryacom left feedback: July 2020
the blu forward spawn for the last point should be way farther forward
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed left feedback: July 2020
it's very easy to get lost in the massive flanks
Avatar Xbmann | Resurfed left feedback: July 2020
this needs to work on directing players where they should be going
Avatar Woonters made an annotation at -1456 271 375 while standing at -1476 265 379 July 2020
what route do I take?
Avatar Ghost left feedback: July 2020
luckly red stopped my team otherwise i wouldn't have had enough time to walk from spawn to last to even see it (as demo)
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: July 2020
map on their own.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: July 2020
There is way too much map to this map, it lacks any chokes and it feels like there are entire segments that are size of a
Avatar The Yeetster made an annotation at -1142 448 349 while standing at -1221 491 372 July 2020
really long walk to last from here
Avatar (goob) greg left feedback: July 2020
Avatar Ghost left feedback: July 2020
the playermodels on the train made me think for a moment that they were actual players that jumped on it lol
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: July 2020
map is incredibly overscaled
Avatar LastJester510 made an annotation at -289 760 186 while standing at -51 759 244 July 2020
wall going weird
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at 8807 969 279 while standing at 8568 1122 340 July 2020
funky door
Avatar The Yeetster made an annotation at -699 -2466 423 while standing at -855 -2248 484 July 2020
neither do these
Avatar The Yeetster made an annotation at -814 -2661 426 while standing at -696 -2791 484 July 2020
these crates dont have a hitbox
Avatar Ghost made an annotation at -1582 -2283 374 while standing at -1379 -2359 148 July 2020
this is awkward to jump from, maybe make the top part a little higher?
Avatar RGB left feedback: July 2020
do we not get a forward spawn for C?
Avatar Cow Dare You made an annotation at -1069 249 380 while standing at -1064 246 379 July 2020
these windows aren't real but they look real
Avatar (goob) greg made an annotation at -2557 -2719 236 while standing at -2420 -2824 303 July 2020
can see under map here
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -2437 -2756 243 while standing at -2317 -2731 325 July 2020
Avatar ryacom made an annotation at -6449 -1822 239 while standing at -6374 -1482 411 July 2020
clip these stairs