40/0/60 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Possessed Inkie Shark left feedback: September 2020
put a rollback zone on last please
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
it is either very up in your face or very long range, there is no good middle ground anywhere
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
the engagement distance all across the map feel very unfun
Avatar Tang made an annotation at 5652 1967 -215 while standing at 5630 1994 -215 September 2020
what the hell is that sightline
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at 6324 1893 51 while standing at 6303 1867 92 September 2020
clip this
Avatar JPEG (*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE) left feedback: September 2020
might just be me but my frames are pretty bad on this map
Avatar Possessed Inkie Shark made an annotation at 5306 768 206 while standing at 5296 760 270 September 2020
I can put sentry here
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at 5366 765 89 while standing at 5373 774 92 September 2020
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Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
I was doing it as blue myself and now two rounds now, blue is just at our defensive positions before we have even set up
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
Feels like blue has too many options to get ahead of the cart.
Avatar Lo-fi Longcat made an annotation at 4464 -359 58 while standing at 4264 -374 99 September 2020
i got stuck in this??? idk why
Avatar breakbitch hardcore made an annotation at 1223 -1247 -393 while standing at 1352 -1259 -332 September 2020
A should be here
Avatar Possessed Inkie Shark left feedback: September 2020
where is ammo for red at A???
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing left feedback: September 2020
might wanna shave off some space around red's final spawn since there's so much room for a spy to cloak and dagger there
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -30 -106 -250 while standing at -31 -104 -251 September 2020
clip this
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at 7078 -141 -229 while standing at 7103 -122 -208 September 2020
i got stuck on this wall retreating as blue and died - its prolly too big to clip as is, but maybe a small prop could help?
Avatar strawboycz left feedback: September 2020
cool payload mechanics
Avatar SnickerPuffs made an annotation at 7170 -1664 -44 while standing at 7109 -1807 -51 September 2020
No >:(
Avatar Possessed Inkie Shark left feedback: September 2020
I got stuck in the platform at B when riding it up
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -160 151 -468 while standing at -159 152 -467 September 2020
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Avatar Succubus Gaming left feedback: September 2020
the point could probably be moved back to just after the wall is drilled through maybe? (2/2)
Avatar Succubus Gaming left feedback: September 2020
C seems like a really tough push - i feel like the hold and choke are a ways ahead of the point; (1/2)
Avatar breakbitch hardcore made an annotation at 5380 779 -180 while standing at 5407 862 -124 September 2020
move these against the wall instead
Avatar eighntes made an annotation at 3860 163 -198 while standing at 4929 678 -152 September 2020
sightlines here once wall drilled
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
Going through the wall just open even MORE sightlines we cannot avoid.
Avatar Yoshark left feedback: September 2020
C as an area is not fun to push
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
It is attackable (I think?) but holy shit is it not fun to play around.
Avatar Tang made an annotation at 3233 -51 -194 while standing at 3262 -63 -200 September 2020
no flank, impossible to flank
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
Like the turntable is all in this big sightline you have no choice but to go into if you want to progress.
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at 4502 1478 -101 while standing at 4504 1480 -99 September 2020
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Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 4367 528 -186 while standing at 4472 326 -91 September 2020
I rise up on something here before wall is destroyed
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
specifically the turntable area.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2020
the area C is so open with no decent ways to avoid sightlines and open space.
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 3157 384 98 while standing at 3155 383 99 September 2020
clip this!
Avatar Yoshark made an annotation at 2992 -1712 -185 while standing at 3101 -1666 -131 September 2020
please disable shadows on this prop
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at 5192 504 92 while standing at 5192 504 92 September 2020
clip this
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing left feedback: September 2020
I got stuck in the lift at B?
Avatar Succubus Gaming left feedback: September 2020
red is moved very far back after A is capped - a blue heavy was already there when i got there, immediately after the cap
Avatar Nighttime71 made an annotation at 4990 1788 -114 while standing at 5126 1805 -59 September 2020
should put a gate so i don't walk here at the wrong time
Avatar chin made an annotation at 5050 486 36 while standing at 5040 322 99 September 2020
this sentry spot is really annoying
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 3708 -51 40 while standing at 3561 96 147 September 2020
because of the two long sightlines
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 3923 -93 39 while standing at 3918 127 147 September 2020
letting red get this highground so easily isn't a good idea imo. Especially as Red have defacto control over the low ground
Avatar RGB made an annotation at 5249 616 29 while standing at 5591 504 92 September 2020
my sentry is currently 10 (8)
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 4898 -69 183 while standing at 5252 1738 -51 September 2020
and you have to move through 2 different long sightlines to get to it. And it's at a massive lowground
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 5028 -69 110 while standing at 5099 1734 -73 September 2020
from here to there isn't a good way to defeat the sentries either since you're in view of their spawn...
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 5044 236 33 while standing at 5007 483 105 September 2020
and since it's so close to Red spawn Engineers can just sit in spawn and arrow stuff which makes the sentries unkillable
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 4985 171 34 while standing at 4748 442 149 September 2020
even though there's a route that directly counters this sentry spot, it's really not useable. Red can just push into it.
Avatar Defcon left feedback: September 2020
console is flooded with this :for 'props_trainyard/handrail64.mdl' checksum -1776127225 should be 29786500Error Vertex File
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 3947 455 -190 while standing at 3656 445 -109 September 2020
nullifying any push into one as they can flank by rotating around
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 3910 345 -186 while standing at 3618 138 -43 September 2020
this area has 2 sightlines looking into it. If red wants to they can retreat from one to the other
Avatar Defcon left feedback: September 2020
still don't think waiting around for the cart path to open makes the map more fun
Avatar poy made an annotation at 912 -1488 -342 while standing at 960 -1632 -318 September 2020
forklift in da wall
Avatar SneKeTo made an annotation at 580 2664 -211 while standing at 120 2664 -211 September 2020
red should not be able to see the early pointe when the cart has been pushed far enough
Avatar Sympəthy made an annotation at 7499 1172 -166 while standing at 7516 1495 -131 September 2020
i like this spot
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 1651 252 -197 while standing at 1616 319 -150 September 2020