100/0/0 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: March 2021
fun map so far
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus made an annotation at 1503 751 -192 while standing at 1490 691 -172 March 2021
I might be wrong but are these kits too close to each other??
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: March 2021
i like moving the drillable door into the building but now there needs to be a way to delete sentry covering it
Avatar Sarexicus made an annotation at -4056 -550 -175 while standing at -4060 -292 -86 March 2021
maybe consider a doorway through here up to the main path
Avatar Sarexicus made an annotation at -3464 -918 -351 while standing at -3585 -750 -273 March 2021
definitely add a flank here
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: March 2021
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: March 2021
cart broe
Avatar ITSPICE left feedback: March 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe made an annotation at -2902 -893 -369 while standing at -2880 -666 -339 March 2021
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe made an annotation at -2910 490 -334 while standing at -2469 605 -211 March 2021
not a whole lot of ammo and health near the first point