by Unknown
Game Mode:
Allowing Feedback:
Last Seen:
July 2015 on
View Demos
left feedback:
July 2015
blu can get into red spawn, I got stuck in the door and was able to get in when it opened
⛐ worMatty
left feedback:
July 2015
When I teleport ot exit spawn I am confused about the direction I should go
made an annotation at
124 567 105
while standing at
125 381 159
July 2015
add a second spawn near doors
made an annotation at
-3160 -3679 -1
while standing at
-3381 -2769 255
July 2015
move spawn 512 this way
made an annotation at
-1368 -2941 377
while standing at
-1683 -3217 554
July 2015
rebuild and think barnblitz pls
made an annotation at
-220 -3943 194
while standing at
-168 -4021 192
July 2015
have these open after second
left feedback:
July 2015
map is p gud
made an annotation at
-2131 -2474 37
while standing at
-2104 -2527 84
July 2015
pointless room
made an annotation at
-57 -3999 -113
while standing at
31 -4079 -59
July 2015
I think this passage for red team is what makes it so hard for blu to push out of this building, maybe close it off til 3rd
made an annotation at
-107 -1998 7
while standing at
-259 -1535 444
July 2015
no immediate health kits for blu to fall back on before pushing in
sharkgirl gaming
left feedback:
July 2015
PLEASE give your track actual curves even in alpha, the 90 degree turns are really awkward to play around
made an annotation at
422 -4003 356
while standing at
682 -3792 -52
July 2015
maybe put something in between there so people don't have to jump around so much
made an annotation at
-286 -3982 171
while standing at
-511 -3917 250
July 2015
these windows are so annoying to walk by because ALL of red sees you
made an annotation at
-855 -4087 107
while standing at
-1009 -4008 161
July 2015
nobuild this
made an annotation at
-189 -3907 -114
while standing at
8 -3897 -31
July 2015
change coveyer, change this exit
made an annotation at
914 -3690 -97
while standing at
908 -3618 23
July 2015
change to full ammo kit
made an annotation at
140 -2673 72
while standing at
-191 -1955 59
July 2015
ammo hard to find in that room
made an annotation at
267 -3631 -83
while standing at
188 -3540 -59
July 2015
annoying clutter
seagulls eating your knees
left feedback:
July 2015
conveyor belts are really awkward to walk over
left feedback:
July 2015
the bap between the two metal things is pretty annoying
left feedback:
July 2015
I really think blu needs a forward after capping B
made an annotation at
-152 890 106
while standing at
-351 580 228
July 2015
put a cabinet in here, running all the way back SUCKS
DrLambda #tf2jam
left feedback:
July 2015
i've been running around for no less than 2 minutes without finding a healthkit now
sharkgirl gaming
made an annotation at
920 -4443 -94
while standing at
984 -4489 -89
July 2015
please clip your rails properly
made an annotation at
744 -3811 219
while standing at
775 -3803 260
July 2015
what are these things
left feedback:
July 2015
B appears undefendable
made an annotation at
-279 -3919 -149
while standing at
-364 -3996 -100
July 2015
this is still not fun to jump up
april fools
left feedback:
July 2015
straight after 1st is capped we can't defend
made an annotation at
-289 -4201 110
while standing at
-983 -4090 323
July 2015
add new routes
made an annotation at
334 -2520 -122
while standing at
810 -2258 -38
July 2015
remove basement (all of it?))
made an annotation at
157 -3439 -66
while standing at
744 -3236 252
July 2015
rebalance 2nd
made an annotation at
-493 291 176
while standing at
-510 37 307
July 2015
lower door
made an annotation at
539 -1087 125
while standing at
901 -1006 407
July 2015
new building here
made an annotation at
-634 -770 88
while standing at
-595 -1029 158
July 2015
remove this doorway
april fools
left feedback:
July 2015
no metal on first
made an annotation at
117 346 99
while standing at
-186 935 171
July 2015
if this exit is locked down, the one to the left is useless
made an annotation at
354 -1566 32
while standing at
212 -1493 84
July 2015
very little metal around the 1st point
left feedback:
July 2015
reds final spawn is too dark and red needs to see out of it
left feedback:
July 2015
maybe let red see out of spawn? a window?
left feedback:
July 2015
i feel like at all points on the map blu is coming at me from literally every angle
seagulls eating your knees
left feedback:
July 2015
the layout is a lot nicer than the first few versions
made an annotation at
-2338 -3575 13
while standing at
-2735 -3563 68
July 2015
too dark
DrLambda #tf2jam
left feedback:
July 2015
ammo and health seem kinda hard to find
sharkgirl gaming
left feedback:
July 2015
work on your clipping PLEASE
left feedback:
July 2015
so easy for blue to totally overcome red on last
made an annotation at
-3345 -1823 -59
while standing at
-2694 -3229 -43
July 2015
Walking out the doors of the last RED spawn, there's no direction where to go
left feedback:
July 2015
The sink room near point 2 really feel like it needs pickups
made an annotation at
160 -3658 -57
while standing at
152 -3655 -59
July 2015
enemies can camp in spawn after it closes
left feedback:
July 2015
Seems like point 1 is the choke, then BLU just rolls until the end
made an annotation at
-2360 -1822 131
while standing at
-3132 -3249 -36
July 2015
this is another powerful sniper spot
left feedback:
July 2015
I like the shape of last
made an annotation at
76 -3495 -59
while standing at
-80 -3495 -59
July 2015
blue forward spawn confusing cause red signs all over hte place make me want to go left
made an annotation at
-692 -861 327
while standing at
-834 -24 193
July 2015
Where I am looking at, there is no Player Clip. Troll Scout is sad
The Announcer
left feedback:
July 2015
not even going to play until map switch- 0/10 too awful to even criticize further
made an annotation at
38 -1050 33
while standing at
-168 -1049 148
July 2015
put bars in the window here
The Announcer
left feedback:
July 2015
Holy shit camping on teh first point
The Announcer
made an annotation at
-604 1152 164
while standing at
-64 1152 164
July 2015
Med Cabinet WAY TOO FAR BACK. I'm not even a mapper and I noticed this. That
made an annotation at
245 -457 -38
while standing at
58 -2782 198
July 2015
this is a very powerful sniper spot
Doktor Richter
made an annotation at
799 490 71
while standing at
784 487 64
July 2015
perch point
left feedback:
July 2015
Red spawn is way too far from the finale
The Announcer
made an annotation at
136 -3367 -79
while standing at
152 -3306 -59
July 2015
this spawn is unfair for red when we have second point pushing three
made an annotation at
549 -753 -41
while standing at
556 -1305 203
July 2015
No good sightlines
left feedback:
July 2015
Can't find the metal around first point
made an annotation at
525 -1165 111
while standing at
546 -1178 159
July 2015