
Tanker 72

by iiboharz |


Avatar awk made an annotation at 1964 4358 29 while standing at 2132 4513 85 January 2015
I can't decloak anywhere here without being massively exposed
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at -1846 4879 328 while standing at -1856 4874 324 January 2015
got stuck inthe door =[
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at 1437 3438 7 while standing at 1505 3967 69 January 2015
consider giving red access to one of these sides without having to go through the middle
Avatar awk made an annotation at 22 3614 291 while standing at -84 3843 331 January 2015
a bit jarrying to see a BLU spawn door so soon when their spawn is much further up
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at -2187 4482 265 while standing at -2217 4283 324 January 2015
maybe an exit that's lower and more protected
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at -2134 4749 262 while standing at -2208 4263 324 January 2015
consider a third exit for red so this doesn't happen
Avatar Princess SkyeCandi left feedback: (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at -2005 4788 269 while standing at -2005 4787 270 January 2015
I'd like some cover out of spawn
Avatar awk left feedback: January 2015
everything is very open, almost nowhere to decloak as spy
Avatar Jukebox left feedback: January 2015
Sniper sightlines are huge, spending 95% of my time dodging them as medic
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at -2543 7050 425 while standing at -2051 6151 334 (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at -1619 6040 199 while standing at -1648 5835 242 January 2015
I'd like some cover here as red maybe
Avatar LeSwordfish left feedback: (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Hia_ left feedback: (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Joey Lemons made an annotation at -2335 5975 336 while standing at -2419 6018 388 (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at -475 5153 262 while standing at -194 5016 324 (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Princess SkyeCandi left feedback: (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at 684 4519 141 while standing at 817 4264 264 (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: January 2015
too many * powerful sightlines
Avatar Hia_ left feedback: January 2015
to many big sight lines
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at 2301 3053 198 while standing at 2122 3335 260 (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: January 2015
on that first point that is
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: January 2015
blue got some easy height and powerful sniper sights with that building on their right
Avatar Broken:Tripod-Turret made an annotation at 540 2173 203 while standing at 375 2169 260 January 2015
consider some cover here for people leaving this exit
Avatar Joey Lemons made an annotation at -1784 6426 329 while standing at -1927 6272 388 (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -1516 6747 331 while standing at -1580 6929 395 (Completed - View) January 2015
Avatar Hia_ left feedback: (Completed - View) January 2015