Game Mode:
Allowing Feedback:
Last Seen:
May 2015 on
View Demos
left feedback:
May 2015
half of red isn't defending because blue's abusing the map
left feedback:
May 2015
some places shouldn't be accesible for engies
Teddy Schnapps
left feedback:
May 2015
you need to player clip this whole area, engi's can build all over
made an annotation at
1287 8317 348
while standing at
1395 8385 528
May 2015
you need to put health in a good spot in this flank, some sort of advantage for blue too, this is all wrong
made an annotation at
3046 7656 274
while standing at
2950 7584 324
May 2015
building wall does not connect with ground
left feedback:
May 2015
playtest ruined. can build in stupid areas
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
3037 7764 498
while standing at
2875 7862 561
May 2015
this building in general is so seperated from everything else
left feedback:
May 2015
implying that the flow and flank-a-bility of this map is *atrociously* bad.
left feedback:
May 2015
heavies and spies reaching the last point before capturing the 2nd last point.
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
3820 7548 621
while standing at
3802 7613 640
May 2015
you need some sorta door behind here, WAY too campy for red engie's
DrLambda #tf2jam
made an annotation at
2012 6389 520
while standing at
1869 6594 587
May 2015
why am i here?
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
4000 8184 -103
while standing at
4115 8205 -62
May 2015
what is with all this detail here? No one norally looks underneath a criff and at this stage why do the extra work?
made an annotation at
5495 2973 149
while standing at
5410 2541 109
May 2015
fps issues here, too open?
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
4896 3557 175
while standing at
5175 3562 295
May 2015
this area is nice, just could use some more cover at the edge here near the cart
⛐ worMatty
left feedback:
May 2015
Last point area I mean
DrLambda #tf2jam
left feedback:
May 2015
i enjoy the map already, but i got lost a few times
⛐ worMatty
left feedback:
May 2015
The routes enabling blue to push are being used against them by red
[UHG]barracks obimbo
left feedback:
May 2015
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
1169 8256 405
while standing at
1299 8492 543
May 2015
this room has nice cover and decent size, don't know why the others arn't
left feedback:
May 2015
I love this last area
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
702 7489 337
while standing at
297 7393 439
May 2015
so big in this room, and no cover at all?
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
-196 7145 359
while standing at
-421 7268 588
May 2015
overly large in this back area, just so much unneeded space
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
-549 6377 358
while standing at
-691 6588 570
May 2015
this entire area is unused by red 98% of the time, and helps blue spies the most
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
793 7212 493
while standing at
857 7188 551
May 2015
this spot here has you perform a croutch jump to the door? Why is this needed?
left feedback:
May 2015
I feel a lack of cover at final. Long sniper lines for the area from flank routes
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
1837 6485 547
while standing at
1944 6239 639
May 2015
again, why is this balcony up here? It only helps blue snipers
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
170 6071 275
while standing at
-138 5770 396
May 2015
for an easy in easy out spawn it doesn't need this much space
made an annotation at
1904 6520 536
while standing at
1954 6535 587
May 2015
can snipe from here directly into their spawn door
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
930 6240 89
while standing at
1357 6453 589
May 2015
final cap still to campy and small
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
3355 5845 532
while standing at
3332 5858 545
May 2015
this fence is unneeded, helps defence too much
made an annotation at
3915 6523 37
while standing at
3898 6288 84
May 2015
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
4301 4257 311
while standing at
4417 4270 419
May 2015
why is this cement balcony here? This serves no purpose for offence but helps defence even more
⛐ worMatty
made an annotation at
3953 4973 327
while standing at
5793 3839 246
May 2015
DANGEROUS sniping position
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
4838 5334 152
while standing at
4835 5438 250
May 2015
fence or something would work here, help get flanking players the sneak on the defence. atm it's too campy for engi's
made an annotation at
4507 3521 207
while standing at
4620 3449 260
May 2015
ammo pack here maybe?
⛐ worMatty
made an annotation at
5244 4579 26
while standing at
5159 1940 159
May 2015
Massive sniping range
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
3750 6821 96
while standing at
3835 6825 261
May 2015
please put railing here or don't have it drop off. This ramp needs something more to keep players from easily falling off
made an annotation at
5367 4322 129
while standing at
5355 4339 139
May 2015
I think these props are too difficult to climb, even for a prop path
The Most Rainbow Dash
made an annotation at
4144 4614 210
while standing at
3990 4647 278
May 2015
There are mad trimps on this ramp. Keep it forever.
DrLambda #tf2jam
made an annotation at
4908 3175 32
while standing at
5078 3020 71
May 2015
that minisentryspot is awful
made an annotation at
4357 5533 303
while standing at
4432 5732 193
May 2015
always keep this detail
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
3410 3019 251
while standing at
3373 3032 260
May 2015
need an extra resupply here so far to walk to mid one
made an annotation at
4512 3709 234
while standing at
4617 3678 257
May 2015
wow nice copy/paste you are lazy
made an annotation at
4319 1618 30
while standing at
4341 1630 75
May 2015
this wood looks weird
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
1974 6610 527
while standing at
2060 6429 602
May 2015
only blue uses this area
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
129 7123 442
while standing at
-107 7154 497
May 2015
this flank is unneeded and way too open, it would be better to get ride of it or make it drasticaly smaller
made an annotation at
3843 7564 558
while standing at
3858 7544 597
May 2015
this walkway is pretty empty right now, it would be a nice spot for health I think
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
-378 7017 345
while standing at
-149 6808 435
May 2015
no one on red seems to use this wide open flank, maybe make it smaller?
made an annotation at
3523 7662 582
while standing at
3561 7618 597
May 2015
This corner is too dark
left feedback:
May 2015
this doesnt seem like it'd be a one-way
left feedback:
May 2015
after blue caps B, red basically has no resupply cabinet and that totally blows
made an annotation at
2605 2287 169
while standing at
2505 2214 68
May 2015
the light glows make no sense
⛐ worMatty
left feedback:
May 2015
Great detailing. Not too much.
Teddy Schnapps
left feedback:
May 2015
this map is fappable
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
214 6807 338
while standing at
-493 7456 495
May 2015
this stairs is way too far back
made an annotation at
445 8052 407
while standing at
355 8165 538
May 2015
I think this entire back route to final is larger than needed, could probably be toned down I guess
⛐ worMatty
made an annotation at
1646 6242 336
while standing at
1697 6149 395
May 2015
I feel I need somecover here from pushers
Teddy Schnapps
made an annotation at
-120 6621 425
while standing at
-118 6600 429
May 2015
this area is too close to red spawn, makes pushing back difficault
left feedback:
May 2015
near last
left feedback:
May 2015
I'm actually discovering tons of rooms on defense that I didn't use on offense
made an annotation at
931 8407 416
while standing at
919 8413 452
May 2015
last time I was attacking I didn't know this room existed
made an annotation at
3025 5957 610
while standing at
2865 5771 605
May 2015
I know it can't be helped, but the way these lamp wire blow in the wind indoors looks super weird
left feedback:
May 2015
the rollback zone at B seems to either stop the cart or have blu roll, either one
left feedback:
May 2015
you should use the snowy skybox texture, or at least something more interesting than plain empty blue
⛐ worMatty
made an annotation at
-83 6201 81
while standing at
-44 5777 331
May 2015
I can't go down here during first point because it's locked. But it's not obvious until I get down there.
made an annotation at
5050 1788 137
while standing at
5063 1750 180
May 2015
there needs to be a healthpack around here
The Announcer
left feedback:
May 2015
last feels a lot better
made an annotation at
3442 2956 244
while standing at
3537 2926 260
May 2015
you should lean a plank against this crate so I can get on top of it
made an annotation at
1947 6508 522
while standing at
1848 6688 587
(Completed - View)
May 2015
maybe have some small pickups in here
made an annotation at
1863 7796 345
while standing at
1892 7823 388
May 2015
I think the cart track goes too close to the wall here
made an annotation at
4052 4957 382
while standing at
4040 4802 382
(Completed - View)
May 2015
I think there are too many overlays on this wall, you should get rid of the auto-box soap sign