

by iiboharz


Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: February 2015
from A to B Blu has lots of distractions going on, which would be okay but they take away from their momentum
Avatar Teddy Schnapps made an annotation at 2986 2671 20 while standing at 2844 2228 361 February 2015
might want to clip this area in the back, players are able to get too it
Avatar Niall made an annotation at 6150 9444 935 while standing at 3873 6056 -336 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Berry left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar chemelia left feedback: February 2015
easy to spawncamp red's last spawn
Avatar Duki Nuki left feedback: February 2015
got through side door and spawn camped
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2015
the sideways ramps coming to and from 'the door' are annoying to jump up
Avatar phi left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Teddy Schnapps left feedback: February 2015
this map has a really interesting feel and look to it
Avatar Teddy Schnapps made an annotation at 3828 2228 100 while standing at 3315 2988 779 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Teddy Schnapps made an annotation at 791 6021 140 while standing at 1689 6958 420 February 2015
on last (red) seems like it could use some more cover or maybe just change the layout on it. The sightlines are very extrem
Avatar chemelia left feedback: February 2015
10/10 it's ok
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 2901 1835 64 while standing at 2902 1828 68 February 2015
ladder doesn't even work
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Teddy Schnapps made an annotation at 2891 7928 271 while standing at 2815 8199 389 February 2015
sightline bad here
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Teddy Schnapps left feedback: February 2015
has good gameplay, just has some sightline problems in someplaces but I'll get back to you on that
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2015
outside of red spawn doors are rly dark
Avatar phi left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at 1933 5659 285 while standing at 1990 5528 331 February 2015
rename pl_thatonewaydoor
Avatar seagulls eating your knees made an annotation at 3616 4268 324 while standing at 3616 4032 324 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2015
the area inbetween 2nd and 3rd point looks a bit messy also, not like real things
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2015
geometry just in front of first point, like past it, on red side, is a bit messy and weird and hard to fight around. props.
Avatar Teddy Schnapps made an annotation at 3614 2671 50 while standing at 3352 2791 141 February 2015
since everyone seems to go up this snow mount, maybe you should just put a ramp or stairs there
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: February 2015
layl is doing a thing
Avatar Niall made an annotation at 3101 7125 426 while standing at 3053 7133 471 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: February 2015
light up the first point better
Avatar chemelia left feedback: February 2015
not enough health betwen 1 and 2 imo
Avatar Teddy Schnapps made an annotation at 3068 2279 67 while standing at 2766 2266 65 February 2015
spawn doors extremely close to spawn
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at 3270 2266 439 while standing at 2865 2140 68 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at 2936 1818 262 while standing at 2943 1892 324 February 2015
make ladder climbable
Avatar Jetamo left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Jetamo made an annotation at 3746 5786 405 while standing at 3424 5600 324 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Waffe made an annotation at 3094 7015 289 while standing at 3622 6907 729 February 2015
this area feels propspammy
Avatar Waffe made an annotation at 5591 5256 79 while standing at 5604 5244 97 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Pocket left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Waffe made an annotation at 3987 1812 50 while standing at 4000 1664 158 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Pocket left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 1386 7015 227 while standing at 1520 6983 260 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 1952 5753 316 while standing at 2090 5779 324 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar seth left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar seagulls eating your knees made an annotation at 1559 7587 382 while standing at 1584 7586 388 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 3860 5924 95 while standing at 3962 5784 93 February 2015
sign here to show there's a route more or somethin, maybe more lights
Avatar doublah left feedback: February 2015
more medium ammo kits around the map
Avatar Elodic made an annotation at 7243 6590 -997 while standing at 5438 4184 99 February 2015
can stand here
Avatar Elodic made an annotation at 2354 7095 533 while standing at 2292 7064 587 February 2015
may be op for sentries
Avatar doublah left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Ferisii left feedback: February 2015
skybox too low
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at 1072 5699 264 while standing at 869 5782 321 February 2015
dark here
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 3915 6177 -375 while standing at 4014 6208 -300 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar jeff alfredo made an annotation at 1872 5695 304 while standing at 1780 5656 324 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 3100 5616 282 while standing at 3063 5573 347 February 2015
this side route should be easier for blu to access, since from behind you have enough distance (cliff path) to kill sentry
Avatar Waffe made an annotation at 3948 6109 -377 while standing at 3902 6080 -312 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Waffe made an annotation at 3611 4269 312 while standing at 3589 4110 331 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at 3027 6346 318 while standing at 3023 6346 321 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: February 2015
(that door, i mean)
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 3265 2100 22 while standing at 3173 2128 68 February 2015
because that side route isn't obvious this route isn't used much after the initial fight
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 3871 1790 55 while standing at 3658 1797 109 February 2015
this side route could be extended because right now it is not immediately obvious at all
Avatar catfish made an annotation at 2532 7068 590 while standing at 2533 7064 587 February 2015
you can see shadows through walls here
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 3080 2615 53 while standing at 3082 2633 68 February 2015
I am impressed that you clipped this cart without a collision model
Avatar Waffe made an annotation at 3871 5998 66 while standing at 4446 6261 213 February 2015
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at 3917 1735 90 while standing at 3921 1727 119 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar chin made an annotation at 2544 6183 269 while standing at 2455 6286 324 (Completed - View) February 2015
Avatar Doktor Richter left feedback: February 2015
nice detailing so far
Avatar Doktor Richter left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2015