63/13/25 Round Win % (8 rounds) (Click for more information)


by KubeKing


Avatar tyler made an annotation at -180 1625 81 while standing at -73 1958 278 August 2015
id like to see this area useable for anything
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -4 -942 208 while standing at 105 -416 501 August 2015
condense health/ammo to a center location and make them medium imo
Avatar Xandoshi222 made an annotation at 0 3299 -19 while standing at -347 2641 299 August 2015
add somthing (like a large med kit) to make this room more usefull
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
things look a bit washed out - you using the 2fort color correction?
Avatar chemelia left feedback: August 2015
it's almost annoying how many small healthkits are in this map, I'd like to see more mediums
Avatar aui made an annotation at -40 -1496 374 while standing at -101 -1401 415 August 2015
Avatar aui made an annotation at 227 3183 -111 while standing at -276 2967 159 August 2015
kinda ignored area
Avatar aui left feedback: August 2015
people forget where they're supposed to go cause they don't know where the cart is
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -264 4493 2 while standing at -326 4255 65 August 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -26 568 343 while standing at -221 524 421 August 2015
maybe also make this room more useful/interesting
Avatar aui left feedback: August 2015
too hard to defend sometimes, people just roll through last
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -141 535 260 while standing at -209 28 397 August 2015
maybe board some of these up or something
Avatar aui left feedback: August 2015
feels like I'm getting flanking from everyone
Avatar chemelia left feedback: August 2015
the map sorta feels more like a box full of stuff with a cart going through, moreso than a cart path surrounded by combat
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: August 2015
map flow feels clunky
Avatar Acadium left feedback: August 2015
Maybe team-coloured lights along the shared track so you know who's pushing it
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at -124 3125 -213 while standing at 299 3131 68 August 2015
the water doesn't really make this more interesting, just a bit annoying to move through
Avatar chemelia left feedback: August 2015
last is essentially a box with a balcony in it, I'd like to see it be more interesting
Avatar tyler left feedback: August 2015
combat is unfocused. teams clash over and over at various chokes and the cart moves arbitrarily
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
feels like cart takes place in the center neutral zone too often, not pushing into base defenses, more often random chaos
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 1136 3299 297 while standing at 456 3053 68 August 2015
this doesnt look good
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
might be better understood if you used the PLR HUD
Avatar HQDefault left feedback: August 2015
defense appears to be nearly impossible
Avatar tyler left feedback: August 2015
still think path is too long.look at plr dogbread
Avatar HQDefault left feedback: August 2015
nothing is trying to stop us until last
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
feels weird that windownumberbuilding side of map offers nothing for initial attack either, no one uses that route initiall
Avatar chemelia left feedback: August 2015
map feels pretty flat, could use some more upward cart pusing imo
Avatar tyler left feedback: August 2015
feel like the high ground on mid isnt used maybe because of spawns
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
have yet to find any medium or large health spawn locations - dont know where to go when im in trouble
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 1377 152 332 while standing at 1111 104 196 August 2015
id like a route back to spawn from here maybe? i hate not being able to heal. might be a bad idea
Avatar tyler left feedback: August 2015
change the cart outline color based on who is pushing it
Avatar Acadium left feedback: August 2015
not enough ealth
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
maybe add Announcer noises when pushed passed mid and 75%,25%. relay disable for 10s so no spam
Avatar tyler left feedback: August 2015
maybe set the cart speed higher when a team is pushing it back to mid before pushing to last
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
feels a bit weird not knowing which side of the map the cart is on easily, HUD orientation isnt reliable for REDs, no sound
Avatar Acadium left feedback: August 2015
Capture sounds near the actual capture point when the cart is being captured
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
feels like the water building with windows and number signs doesnt offer much tacticool advantage - why go in there
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1355 2881 121 while standing at 1392 2870 161 August 2015
I mean floor texture
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1268 2895 113 while standing at 1223 2959 161 August 2015
this floor theme may not fit in the theme
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: August 2015
is there no way to dynamically change the color of the cart outline depending on who owns the pojnt?
Avatar re1wind left feedback: August 2015
the sightline on one side makes it hard to push
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: August 2015
it feels difficult to get more than 3 teammates on the cart at one time
Avatar SnickerPuffs left feedback: August 2015
I have been walking in circles for 2 minuets. I need more arrows\
Avatar tyler left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2015
Avatar Roll made an annotation at 117 1662 -117 while standing at -114 1594 150 August 2015
explosives go through this surface
Avatar Dr. Orange left feedback: August 2015
Capture sounds can be heard at the final points when someone is pushing the cart.
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at -445 -95 46 while standing at -497 -104 109 August 2015
cart floats on this ramp
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2015
cart is floating
Avatar SnickerPuffs left feedback: August 2015
You might want to change the Cart model to reflect the Tug-O-War gamemode better
Avatar re1wind left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2015
Avatar Dr. Orange left feedback: August 2015
Spectator cam is INSIDE the cart.
Avatar SnickerPuffs left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2015
Avatar SnickerPuffs made an annotation at -193 4409 -147 while standing at 231 3075 -108 (Completed - View) August 2015
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2015
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2015
cart is fater than normal heavy while spun up...
Avatar Anreol left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2015
Avatar Anreol left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2015