55/0/45 Round Win % (11 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar ArtZ left feedback: 2 weeks ago
still don't like turning around leaving spawn
Avatar ArtZ made an annotation at -1823 -1027 530 while standing at -1300 -1227 577 2 weeks ago
there should be a more direct route to this room from spawn, never used the lower sections
Avatar ibex made an annotation at -1467 675 648 while standing at -1527 523 740 2 weeks ago
not sure what this dropdown is for? seems like more of a accidental fall than useful
Avatar ArtZ made an annotation at 23 -196 685 while standing at 130 -141 737 2 weeks ago
there is no equivalent high ground for defenders to stop the cart from here, after the last rollback you just win
Avatar ibex made an annotation at -2573 -446 880 while standing at -2422 -666 996 2 weeks ago
it feels bad to have to take this exit out of spawn because it just gets you to the same basic spot, but just takes longer
Avatar Freddy Fivebear made an annotation at -1215 383 738 while standing at -1214 376 740 2 weeks ago
free him
Avatar sweg made an annotation at -2600 -983 679 while standing at -2887 -1013 740 2 weeks ago
your spawns would feel much nicer if they were here
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade made an annotation at -710 -443 281 while standing at -737 -480 331 2 weeks ago
nonsolid prop
Avatar sweg made an annotation at -920 240 730 while standing at -876 279 740 2 weeks ago
track after here feels like a victory lap
Avatar ❣Strix❣ made an annotation at -1674 -844 996 while standing at -1674 -836 996 2 weeks ago
doing a whole 360 turn once right out of spawn feels awkward
Avatar sweg made an annotation at 1937 585 594 while standing at 1942 585 596 2 weeks ago
again 2 tiny doorways, but this time on low ground
Avatar sweg made an annotation at 1869 -268 736 while standing at 1893 -288 740 2 weeks ago
this is 2 tiny doorways one after another which has a very safe angle to spam through
Avatar sweg made an annotation at 1206 102 646 while standing at 1294 167 666 2 weeks ago
once the enemy team takes this area, it's very hard to push out because:
Avatar ArtZ left feedback: 2 weeks ago
team switch on round win is enabled despite being a symmetrical map
Avatar Mâché left feedback: 2 weeks ago
looking out over the mid; there are many ways you can make spawn more straightforward if you ditch those windows
Avatar Mâché left feedback: 2 weeks ago
a large part of whats compromising the design of the spawns i think is the insistence on keeping these big windows
Avatar Solitude in E Minor (Cassie) left feedback: 2 weeks ago
exiting spawn feels weirdly disorienting despite just basically leading to 2 exits
Avatar ibex left feedback: 2 weeks ago
seems like the overall track is too small for how long the respawnwaves are
Avatar ibex left feedback: 2 weeks ago
lighting overall is pretty poor, team recognitiion ain't great. walk around your map in 3rd person
Avatar Freddy Fivebear made an annotation at -1996 -1094 934 while standing at -1660 -1001 1003 2 weeks ago
please put some signs outside of spawn, even if it's just placeholders, i have no idea how to get to the cart
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade made an annotation at 888 340 498 while standing at -1625 -807 587 2 weeks ago
sightline and I'm very hard to see for blu
Avatar ArtZ left feedback: 2 weeks ago
shadows are still incredibly dark
Avatar sweg made an annotation at -73 -9 738 while standing at -78 -9 740 2 weeks ago
these props fade in super late
Avatar JP made an annotation at 1935 604 777 while standing at 2887 1095 747 3 weeks ago
might be better if the spawns were like here, so that people stop going on circles confused
Avatar JP made an annotation at -761 376 396 while standing at -898 479 459 3 weeks ago
these dark areas need lights, too hard to see team color
Avatar Reawakening the Hedgehog left feedback: 3 weeks ago
still feels weird that going up ramps indoors does not take you to a roof but loops you back to spawn
Avatar RALATHEHUNTRESS and Co left feedback: 3 weeks ago
Overall like the layout of the map however do brighen up the map and maybe make the last area more harder to push
Avatar Koye left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the shaded areas are a little too dark
Avatar Righteous Botson made an annotation at 111 -189 673 while standing at 120 -184 708 3 weeks ago
you can still stand here on this fence
Avatar Reawakening the Hedgehog left feedback: 3 weeks ago
im happy that the cave no longer dead ends :)
Avatar xymox left feedback: 3 weeks ago
solid layout but please add more lighting
Avatar Midni left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the map is way too dark in some spots
Avatar md made an annotation at 732 460 284 while standing at 764 446 331 3 weeks ago
Avatar Bradasparky left feedback: 3 weeks ago
Non-mobile classes needing to go through a tight tunnel to contest the cart isn't great
Avatar Mousetail made an annotation at -1500 550 700 while standing at -1527 561 740 3 weeks ago
the last bit is a bit anticlimatic since it's hard to defend
Avatar Blumberquack made an annotation at -2698 -649 677 while standing at -2123 -1373 826 3 weeks ago
might be me but i instinctively want to wrap around up the slope... back into spawn lol
Avatar catboy torture © left feedback: 3 weeks ago
map is very incohesive
Avatar Mousetail made an annotation at 2902 882 721 while standing at 2756 373 900 3 weeks ago
If I want to go the the right part of the map, my intuition is to take the right spawn exit. But this is the wrong one
Avatar md made an annotation at 1028 284 511 while standing at 1000 217 557 3 weeks ago
the cart gets super close to the walls in a lot of places (like here) making it difficult to move around the cart
Avatar Perccy Pappy made an annotation at -440 -1632 -294 while standing at 57 -64 331 3 weeks ago
could use some more clarity on the death pit in the middle
Avatar каменщик left feedback: 3 weeks ago
map feels like something out of 2008, has a cool vibe i guess, but doesnt play well because of the awkward geometry
Avatar ZungryWare made an annotation at -2729 -1136 693 while standing at -2778 -1175 740 3 weeks ago
I still don't understand the layout of this room here. Why is it so complicated when it rarely holds any combat?
Avatar Mousetail made an annotation at 2295 569 971 while standing at 2229 643 996 3 weeks ago
this entire right route out of spawn seems useless since the left route goes to the same place faster
Avatar JP left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the death pit doesn't seem like a death pit compared to other falls, sshould make it more clear its a death pit
Avatar unfortunately......peanutbutter left feedback: 3 weeks ago
fun spy map
Avatar JP left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the cart being closer to your base at the end makes it so past a point theres nothing the enemy can do to defend
Avatar stinky made an annotation at -2052 -661 942 while standing at -1942 -663 993 3 weeks ago
this spawn exit feels incredibly useless
Avatar catboy torture © left feedback: 3 weeks ago
layout seems kinda directionless, very chaotic and nonesensical
Avatar JP left feedback: 3 weeks ago
many dark areas where i can't tell what team players are on
Avatar comfiest playa in eepiest team left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the fact that mid is a spamfest is actually funny
Avatar Padre Snowmizzle left feedback: 3 weeks ago
I keep looping around back to my spawn in the last zone; we need arrows or less loopy paths
Avatar Mousetail left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the area immediatly outside spawn is very confusing
Avatar comfiest playa in eepiest team left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the zone is super complicated
Avatar comfiest playa in eepiest team left feedback: 3 weeks ago
it takes so much time to get oustide of spawn
Avatar Padre Snowmizzle left feedback: 3 weeks ago
Darkness :[
Avatar catboy torture © made an annotation at -855 370 1893 while standing at -112 -275 740 3 weeks ago
this roof being clipped off feels rly egregious, if u wanna RUIN the gameplay like that at least justify it well using geo
Avatar Mel made an annotation at 820 -479 401 while standing at 853 -348 449 3 weeks ago
another dark spot
Avatar catboy torture © left feedback: 3 weeks ago
the pit looks like it's in-arena
Avatar catboy torture © made an annotation at -1516 275 420 while standing at -1586 102 452 3 weeks ago
this box has pop-in , increase propfade distance
Avatar Mel made an annotation at -1660 -1143 905 while standing at -1464 -1385 897 3 weeks ago
dark spot