67/0/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)

Norfolk Mc15

by norfolk


Avatar Red Dagger left feedback: July 2021
it applies to the map but mid especially feels like it could do with more interesting height differences
Avatar The -- Jorolap left feedback: July 2021
make 1 of the 3 routes to the core a 1way
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo left feedback: July 2021
might be too easy to cap the core turn the flag carrier into payload cart
Avatar Эмil left feedback: July 2021
spawn points i mean
Avatar Эмil left feedback: July 2021
i hate spawn on this map
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 1052 5383 151 while standing at 1235 5570 209 July 2021
weird that jump pads are used here and nowhere else in the map
Avatar The -- Jorolap left feedback: July 2021
make the core visable trough walls
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2021
this would be more interesting if it were doing something significantly different from the one official rd map
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -567 3473 4 while standing at -138 3268 65 July 2021
dislike these pickups being tucked away in the corner of this massive room
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2021
core vault looks kinda huge for how little gameplay it sees
Avatar Berry left feedback: July 2021
mid feels quite blander than the rest of the map, it could maybe have more height variation or interesting structure to it?
Avatar The -- Jorolap left feedback: July 2021
top route to mid is more of a flank for the dominant team than a route for the defending team
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2021
all the routes into the bases are at more or less the same height
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2021
mid is pretty flat so it's difficult to sneak through unseen
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2021
i feel like asteroid gets away with being so long by having lots of sneaky ways into the bases which this map lacks
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing left feedback: July 2021
the room with the A robots feels too flat like you can't really move to anywhere for better positioning if ur fighting ther
Avatar Berry left feedback: July 2021
bc of long walktimes + big mid the map just encourages you to dm in the centre
Avatar Phlegmboy Phishing made an annotation at 623 -3249 298 while standing at 595 -3301 308 July 2021
the way the initial part of spawn has an inset front means I keep walking forward automatically and then having to reverse
Avatar phi left feedback: July 2021
walktime from spawn takes forever on a linear layout like this
Avatar Doom made an annotation at 617 -820 101 while standing at -1574 1746 139 July 2021
Avatar places you shouldn't be made an annotation at 26 3439 275 while standing at 25 3438 276 July 2021
i like this wall it look cool
Avatar sonoma made an annotation at 626 708 262 while standing at 615 695 277 July 2021
clip dis
Avatar sonoma made an annotation at 858 -2931 298 while standing at 855 -2936 305 July 2021
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