13/0/88 Round Win % (8 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown

  • Game Mode: Teritorial Control
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: January 2023 on Demos


Avatar and brotha, I gift people. made an annotation at 552 2986 -15 while standing at 389 2831 -123 January 2023
Avatar August101 made an annotation at 532 2795 -33 while standing at 451 3013 -123 January 2023
visable nodraws
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: January 2023
this map has a very confusing layout
Avatar August101 made an annotation at 1572 -3869 64 while standing at 1766 -4314 -123 January 2023
the signs aren't team colored
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -1649 -1400 -183 while standing at -1318 -1233 -84 January 2023
you can get airblasted out of the map
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 1022 -5572 -66 while standing at 1120 -5440 -20 January 2023
rthis water is impiossible to see
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -984 -702 149 while standing at -1267 -472 324 January 2023
this high spot should have a purpose
Avatar August101 made an annotation at 1628 -3885 -188 while standing at 1265 -4015 -146 January 2023
clip this lmao
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -2517 -1697 -151 while standing at -2507 -2076 -52 January 2023
these pickups are floating
Avatar SaltyPapi made an annotation at -1265 -1957 -219 while standing at -1146 -1967 36 January 2023
strange clipping on these bridges
Avatar SaltyPapi made an annotation at -1729 -1047 10 while standing at -1825 -1624 196 January 2023
these trees have strange collision. watch out for them in in-play spaces
Avatar August101 made an annotation at -460 -2540 -174 while standing at 22 -2220 -167 January 2023
change yeti spawns to encurage use of the lower exit
Avatar SaltyPapi made an annotation at -1708 -1481 -180 while standing at -1684 -1319 -123 January 2023
INvisible wall???
Avatar Engineer Space Program made an annotation at -1588 -1478 -180 while standing at -1697 -1319 -116 January 2023
invis wall
Avatar August101 made an annotation at -1091 445 163 while standing at -961 1030 228 January 2023
maybe having an elavated exit is a bad idea; need to check demo
Avatar Adam made an annotation at -1911 2614 -170 while standing at -1954 2758 -146 January 2023
you can hide under the stairs
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1797 -2210 178 while standing at 1834 -2123 241 January 2023
there should be an ammo pack here for soldiers and scouts
Avatar SaltyPapi made an annotation at 871 -3407 76 while standing at 873 -3555 132 January 2023
pickups in this room are much too high. 16hu off the ground is good. add texture underneath
Avatar Engineer Space Program made an annotation at 737 -233 -338 while standing at 727 -231 -340 January 2023
walled out
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at -181 514 -375 while standing at -193 640 -350 January 2023
invisible wall coming from manor
Avatar Adam made an annotation at -2004 1845 163 while standing at -1597 1339 228 January 2023
this upper area feels very open and underused
Avatar SaltyPapi made an annotation at 218 -2198 -164 while standing at 211 -2165 -123 January 2023
broken cubemap
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 1584 -1765 -354 while standing at 1549 -1783 -313 January 2023
this is open coming from the manor and its just a dead end
Avatar and brotha, I gift people. left feedback: January 2023
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: January 2023
fun trolldier map
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 310 -1771 -123 while standing at 299 -1470 -83 January 2023
only one route going this way from manor
Avatar ChaoticAngel made an annotation at 732 -49 -346 while standing at 727 -52 -347 January 2023
what is the point of this hallway
Avatar SaltyPapi made an annotation at 1786 -2000 169 while standing at 1804 -2196 235 January 2023
can get up here. on purpose?
Avatar and brotha, I gift people. left feedback: January 2023
the map is very blu sided even middle.
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo left feedback: January 2023
make slanted roofs and ways onto them on a lot of the random bits of cover, jump routes onto them works too
Avatar Enderspoons left feedback: January 2023
then again, I guess I'm one to talk about being bizarre, so eh
Avatar Enderspoons left feedback: January 2023
This map is bizarre. I have no idea where to even begin feedbacking
Avatar SaltyPapi left feedback: January 2023
long, confusing routes are difficult to understand
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at -3311 -1052 -333 while standing at -3293 -1120 -221 January 2023
this route is too long and narrow
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -2967 239 -176 while standing at -2296 -244 228 January 2023
no health in this entire area
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: January 2023
sorry this map is kind of confusing. the routes are really long
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 992 -3448 -156 while standing at 629 -3623 -123 January 2023
this room is kinda death trap, try to widen the walls and/or raise the roof
Avatar ::Egan:: made an annotation at 3507 1806 -133 while standing at 3620 1859 -116 January 2023
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 444 -2060 -156 while standing at 277 -2353 -126 January 2023
this room goes nowhere and has nothing in it?\
Avatar SaltyPapi made an annotation at 2141 -2433 -124 while standing at 2125 -2436 -123 January 2023
z-fighting textures
Avatar Adam made an annotation at 3454 748 -125 while standing at 3647 754 -123 January 2023
this room ligthing is way too blue
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 379 -1646 -63 while standing at 406 -1694 -62 January 2023
didnt open but a narrow was pointing to it
Avatar and brotha, I gift people. left feedback: January 2023
compared to the high respawn rate
Avatar The Merchant made an annotation at -7061 331 -184 while standing at -7193 568 -123 January 2023
cap rate is too fast
Avatar and brotha, I gift people. left feedback: January 2023
the cap times are so low
Avatar Stack Man left feedback: January 2023
you should use the normal grate set up doors for the final attack/defend rounds
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at -4219 642 -9 while standing at -4253 642 16 January 2023
no spawnroom down here
Avatar ::Egan:: made an annotation at -4788 1026 -154 while standing at -4809 1182 -123 January 2023
where do i go
Avatar Stack Man left feedback: January 2023
routes are too separated from each other. Its easy for teams to bypass each other completely, or even fail to see routes
Avatar notalex left feedback: January 2023
the doors with the stop sign on them usually signal the door never opens, not opens after setup
Avatar Local Veemo made an annotation at -2852 600 126 while standing at -2418 -645 -123 January 2023
Avatar The Merchant made an annotation at -2198 1166 -145 while standing at -1710 1255 75 January 2023
where to go is unclear
Avatar ::Egan:: made an annotation at -866 882 182 while standing at -1190 837 228 January 2023
this is backrooms vibes
Avatar Local Veemo made an annotation at -2517 -528 -23 while standing at -2461 -803 -123 January 2023
contradictory directions
Avatar Enderspoons left feedback: January 2023
would be nice if you outlined the actual capzones around your points
Avatar The Merchant made an annotation at 342 889 -349 while standing at 327 935 -340 January 2023
Avatar and brotha, I gift people. made an annotation at 261 524 -406 while standing at 500 711 -324 January 2023
Avatar and brotha, I gift people. made an annotation at 2130 1485 414 while standing at 2120 1545 477 January 2023
i can stand here hello?
Avatar ChaoticAngel made an annotation at -1984 -948 -74 while standing at -2726 -1163 171 January 2023
these packs are really high off the floor