68/0/32 Round Win % (25 rounds) (Click for more information)

National - A7

by 14bit


Avatar ArtZ made an annotation at -507 -2355 75 while standing at -475 -2503 129 August 2023
this is a pretty good spot for engineers to set up nests in despite the long spiral staircase leading here
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: August 2023
I think the point areas themselves are pretty nice but they can't really save it imo
Avatar náµ—Ê°Sonata made an annotation at 801 520 39 while standing at 800 536 80 August 2023
bb doesn't get disabled in fb round
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ made an annotation at -5538 229 -13 while standing at -5557 381 4 August 2023
you can walk in enemy spawm
Avatar TrustyGun made an annotation at -620 -313 32 while standing at -534 -409 68 August 2023
not marked invisible wall?
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: August 2023
my main issue with the map is the distance between connectors; it just feels too long and they're too spaghetti-like
Avatar videogamedumpy made an annotation at -1141 1468 -337 while standing at -645 -90 -309 August 2023
getting from here to the point requires like 2 ubers and noone could push through it, one sentry held the entire round
Avatar Alex EatDonut left feedback: August 2023
despite tc being confusing for what's to come i like this map
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ made an annotation at -1146 -924 375 while standing at -1289 -1014 68 August 2023
this door is stuck in this pole and is floating
Avatar dubmeister left feedback: August 2023
i enjoyed this map a lot im looking forward to seeing it detailed. main aspect i appreciate is the cave thats not too tight
Avatar 14bit left feedback: August 2023
XY still needs work, still sucks
Avatar Camel (Pure EVIL) left feedback: August 2023
very natural scenery. 10/10
Avatar videogamedumpy made an annotation at 701 -1267 -341 while standing at 324 -1283 -17 August 2023
this ramp sucks to push from because its tiny and they can spam you with nowhere else to go but the death pit below
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ made an annotation at 2809 -169 -300 while standing at 2822 -1369 -59 August 2023
all these rocks around here should be smoother, theyre too ridged right now to look natural
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: August 2023
I feel like these connectors just fundamentally don't work with TC that well; There's too many routes and too much distance
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ left feedback: August 2023
the cave exit/entrance should be rounded to look more natural. cuz rn its just a square cut out
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ made an annotation at 2497 -1725 -71 while standing at 2460 -1737 -29 August 2023
these two brushes are clipping into eachother
Avatar Mr.pep THE SKELETON made an annotation at 37 -286 -315 while standing at 38 -287 -315 August 2023
what is this invisible wall again
Avatar náµ—Ê°Sonata made an annotation at -2536 -1874 20 while standing at -2408 -1742 68 August 2023
bevel this corner so it's easier to see there's a resupply here
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ left feedback: August 2023
i hope this map gets added to the base game its rly fun
Avatar 14bit left feedback: August 2023
fix new YZ sightline
Avatar 14bit left feedback: August 2023
Round WX needs a rework, the routes are too close
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ made an annotation at -1731 1878 -222 while standing at -1774 1885 -187 August 2023
this sign is clipping into the floor
Avatar Mr.pep THE SKELETON made an annotation at -1547 -637 68 while standing at -1545 -640 68 August 2023
what is this invisible wall
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ made an annotation at -2131 -2112 68 while standing at -2464 -2112 68 August 2023
the containers in the blue cap point say red but theyre yellow
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ made an annotation at -479 -1143 206 while standing at -477 -1143 205 August 2023
there appears to be visual glitch here, escpecially when jumping
Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at 82 -2017 319 while standing at -732 -1996 75 August 2023
lighthouse suddenly loads in around here
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ left feedback: August 2023
fun lil map, i think it will go far
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ left feedback: August 2023
it looks very very good so far
Avatar lookyvk left feedback: August 2023
looks nice
Avatar bozubo left feedback: August 2023
increase the capture time by a lot
Avatar ♥ Pink Paso!! ♥ left feedback: August 2023
very pretty
Avatar chin left feedback: August 2023
long while on low ground to get to a position to attack lighthouse highground
Avatar chin made an annotation at 1636 -611 -243 while standing at 1615 -469 -190 August 2023
dont think any of the doors into lighthouse helped BLU to clear out RED. Nothing near, have to walk quite a long while on l
Avatar Adam made an annotation at 4948 1481 340 while standing at 3995 2592 4 August 2023
you can see the culling thrtough the windows on the final point from this position
Avatar LsiX made an annotation at 1684 -1486 13 while standing at 1688 -1506 57 August 2023
one sentry here can overlook pretty much every entrance that blu has into this point
Avatar Tails8521 made an annotation at -911 -2601 337 while standing at -848 -2663 388 August 2023
I can stand here
Avatar Mr.pep THE SKELETON left feedback: August 2023
great caberknight map. love it.
Avatar uttercolor made an annotation at 3559 -938 -458 while standing at 3099 -1394 -370 August 2023
the edge of the water here is glitvhy
Avatar kasperr made an annotation at -3487 -599 -74 while standing at -3634 -552 -123 August 2023
what is this spot
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2023
which is simply too much to ask a team to win, like an A/D map with two forward holds
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2023
lose, since defending their base, then capping mid, then capping the enemy base is now three midfights in a row
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2023
the reason why I mentioned length is because it makes it probable for the team who loses the first teamfight to eventually
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2023
because of this potentiality of backcapping, players are actively disincentivised from pushing
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2023
while you're pushing one route, the enemy is free to go down the other and backcap you, made possible by the lightning-fast
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2023
the rounds, or lighthouse -> orchard at any rate, are too long with the routes too separated
Avatar uttercolor made an annotation at -98 2001 252 while standing at -2210 2024 -135 August 2023
you can see the tree flicker over the rook in the distance
Avatar SirUnknown left feedback: August 2023
the lasts feel the weakest of the map
Avatar DingoDots #FixTf2 made an annotation at -1216 1857 -454 while standing at -918 1561 -345 August 2023
maybe add some rocks to the lake for platforms
Avatar GalacticSparrow made an annotation at 2108 2288 1 while standing at 2109 2295 4 August 2023
move resupply cabinet between doors instead of the side
Avatar dansal made an annotation at 1486 -1890 -211 while standing at 1670 -2369 -180 August 2023
caonsider making the points take longer to cap, and longer to de-cap?
Avatar OVERKILL - SOFTWARE left feedback: August 2023
it felt like lighthouse was harder to capture then final. Good looking map with interesting concept
Avatar DingoDots #FixTf2 made an annotation at -1156 2096 -302 while standing at -1147 2055 -271 August 2023
i like the waterfall c:
Avatar SirUnknown made an annotation at -4321 -97 -188 while standing at -3778 -625 -101 August 2023
super quick spawncamp flank
Avatar DingoDots #FixTf2 made an annotation at -415 -1050 218 while standing at -885 -1102 14 August 2023
rock dissapears here
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -1496 1925 -376 while standing at -1492 1925 -374 August 2023
please make this crouch-jumppable
Avatar Liam Sanderson made an annotation at 1867 -2611 -123 while standing at 1867 -2989 -123 August 2023
perhaps more routes open as time goes on
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 1896 -1596 71 while standing at 1910 -1606 124 August 2023
is this an intentional point to spam over the fence?
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 1136 -30 -183 while standing at 992 -2196 -180 August 2023
fix this
Avatar Liam Sanderson made an annotation at -98 -104 127 while standing at -88 -208 188 August 2023
lighting error
Avatar Stickface left feedback: August 2023
very pretty map thus far!
Avatar dansal left feedback: August 2023
make the points (that aren't the last point) cap slower; more like the E point in steel
Avatar poacher | dont uber me left feedback: August 2023
please just make it a ctf map, tc doesnt work
Avatar GalacticSparrow left feedback: August 2023
map looks really nice even in alpha