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Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: last month
Also I really don't understand the need for this to be steeltype
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: last month
theres kind of everything everywhere all the time and it doesnt fele super condusive to a focused vip experience
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: last month
and to be honest I felt that A, B, and C were all pretty enjoyable points on their own. B is a bit weak but I still like it
Avatar Niki left feedback: last month
spies should be able to disguise as vip
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: last month
I really feel like if RED gets to D then they're just defending an unenjoyable pit of death. I think D should get a redesig
Avatar Niki left feedback: last month
there should be a way get up here
Avatar the goldrush update left feedback: last month
killing the VIP should award bonus points
Avatar Flying_Engineer left feedback: last month
the cieling here is too low for VIP
Avatar Fishbus left feedback: last month
does killing the vip invoke some time penalty? e.g. -30s?
Avatar Pilkerno made an annotation at 128 3 84 while standing at 128 384 84 last month
the under C area should be filled with health and ammo, it feels useless right now
Avatar Pilkerno made an annotation at 370 -612 130 while standing at 536 -408 110 last month
this under area should have more goodie
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: last month
I'd appreciate some more arrows and some of those overhead-door signs around the map
Avatar Pilkerno left feedback: last month
remove the big walls, they are stupid and I hate them
Avatar Adam left feedback: last month
player pathing around the map is a bit confusing
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at 778 -1710 134 while standing at 928 -1560 127 last month
This hallway is almost too short for vip to walk through, raise the roof a bit
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: last month
VIP should be able to ping locations, direct the team where to go
Avatar Pilkerno left feedback: last month
never felt lost
Avatar Katsu! :3 made an annotation at -629 -328 530 while standing at -384 -95 587 last month
really really dark
Avatar GalacticSparrow left feedback: last month
when spawn rooms shift, teleport people into the new room instead of just trapping them
Avatar Fishbus left feedback: last month
dislike death pit immediatley after spawn door
Avatar Pilkerno made an annotation at 1017 -2247 518 while standing at 839 -1941 580 last month
too powerful for pyros, this angle
Avatar Relentless made an annotation at -183 -2593 616 while standing at 16 -2704 676 last month
i was trapped in this spawn after B capped shortly after spawning
Avatar Niki left feedback: last month
some railing would be nice unless this is intentional
Avatar FixTF2 CrPbl3 KACTPl0Jll0 made an annotation at -899 -936 433 while standing at -939 -142 363 last month
this spot is too good for snipers
Avatar Pilkerno made an annotation at 1378 -4128 1229 while standing at 845 -2337 580 last month
sky man
Avatar tf3 beta tester 2002 left feedback: last month
Outdoors areas are extremely dark, you want your playable spaces to be brightly lit on a nighttime map
Avatar Relentless made an annotation at 132 -2523 687 while standing at -163 -2759 676 last month
after B capped i was trapped in spawn as a red player
Avatar Relentless left feedback: last month
there should be a map in spawn telling you to go down to A
Avatar FixTF2 CrPbl3 KACTPl0Jll0 made an annotation at -137 -13 87 while standing at -382 135 107 last month
how abbout making the door transparent
Avatar tf3 beta tester 2002 left feedback: last month
A is very hidden.
Avatar Katsu! :3 made an annotation at 0 2 107 while standing at 10 110 122 last month
this door better be tall enough for me (the VIP) to leave without crouching
Avatar Lothudus left feedback: last month
i've got no idea where i am
Avatar Niki left feedback: last month
once sided transparent doors would have been welcome
Avatar the goldrush update made an annotation at 129 371 27 while standing at 47 145 107 last month
annoying invis walls in blu spawn