20/0/80 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Gravidea made an annotation at 1497 -4070 286 while standing at 4735 -2391 84 5 weeks ago
Sightline into spawn
Avatar Lawenda made an annotation at -2893 -410 478 while standing at -2778 -393 532 5 weeks ago
you should make it more clear to not go right as blue here
Avatar JP made an annotation at 5792 -1937 -109 while standing at 1407 -4106 385 5 weeks ago
sightline into spawn
Avatar thom made an annotation at -559 -5104 469 while standing at 4735 -2391 84 5 weeks ago
sightline into spawn
Avatar Gravidea made an annotation at -2559 95 490 while standing at -3297 -1634 532 5 weeks ago
Annoying sightline imo.
Avatar thom made an annotation at 4045 -1443 75 while standing at 3383 -1458 196 5 weeks ago
hole in spawn door can shoot through during setup
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
Map needs a bunch more arrow signs for both teams, as mentioned.
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
Overall, easy to get lost in. Scaling seems fine. Last point is very open (bad).
Avatar Lawenda left feedback: 5 weeks ago
more pick ups please
Avatar sweg left feedback: 5 weeks ago
OT should end on vip death OR after cap fades, not BOTH
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
For Gamemode devs: Overtime is literally infinite if VIP touches point before he dies. Just make it so you lose.
Avatar Katsu! :3 made an annotation at -699 -1150 198 while standing at -846 -1619 257 5 weeks ago
this tiny choke sucks to fight through
Avatar 「The Visitor」 made an annotation at -2169 -1487 331 while standing at -2327 -1471 388 5 weeks ago
pickups would be nice to have here
Avatar aui left feedback: 5 weeks ago
feels like theres no pickups anywhere
Avatar JP made an annotation at -768 -3906 197 while standing at -734 -4201 196 5 weeks ago
Avatar Gravidea made an annotation at -1656 -2467 189 while standing at -1362 -2440 192 5 weeks ago
I actually got trolled by these targets. Maybe remove?
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: 5 weeks ago
it's possible to shoot directly into spawn
Avatar Richard the Treacherous left feedback: 5 weeks ago
if you touch the resub cabinet while holding a sentry gun, the gun will get destroyed.
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
For Gamemode devs: MANY bugs with Engineer and the resupply cabinet, including sometimes removing FJ crits and sentry guns.
Avatar Lawenda left feedback: 5 weeks ago
it's easy to get lost
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: 5 weeks ago
more medkits could be useful especially near chokepoints
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -474 -2028 203 while standing at -440 -2183 260 5 weeks ago
this might work better as a medium medkit
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
I am so lost. Sorry to say it again, but signage please.
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 2943 -2048 36 while standing at 3491 -2011 100 5 weeks ago
there is no invis wall stopping demo from artillery striking blu spawn
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
Map needs more signage for both teams.
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade made an annotation at 3826 -2065 79 while standing at 3905 -2057 100 5 weeks ago
had frontier justice crits and resup took them away even tho I didnt die?
Avatar Gravidea made an annotation at 3508 -2545 111 while standing at 1475 -4109 388 5 weeks ago
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
(For Red)
Avatar Gravidea left feedback: 5 weeks ago
First spawn makes it a little hard to tell which way to go. More signage?
Avatar Tails8521 left feedback: last month
there was a heavy running at full speed while revved up and shooting
Avatar Goom left feedback: last month
a heavy ran at me with a minigun, at full speed, it was very scary
Avatar Why do they Cow it oven when yo left feedback: last month
smg sounds awful
Avatar Lo-fi Longcat left feedback: last month
add an ubered skin for the vip too
Avatar robopan left feedback: last month
add glow thing for when vip is ubered
Avatar Эмil left feedback: last month
there is no defence spot on B
Avatar ibex left feedback: last month
the height differences in this map are pretty aggressive, makes every fight feel bad for less mobile classes
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: last month
blu demo was spawncamping red's first spawn
Avatar Will Alfred made an annotation at 1107 -1367 202 while standing at 1159 -1379 254 last month
too dark here
Avatar Goom left feedback: last month
i think i agree with brokk
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: last month
I find it a little disappointing that the map's setting is 'oilrig' but then most of it is indoors
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: last month
'why does interacting with resupply reset my view angles???'
Avatar Luna Lana left feedback: last month
can the VIPs gun sound less like a type writer and more like a gun please
Avatar 600 days streaking streak made an annotation at -924 -1283 231 while standing at -906 -1281 260 last month
medium medkit here please
Avatar nyanezt made an annotation at -2654 -13 470 while standing at -2626 -33 464 last month
last red spawn ressuply cabinet resets your loadout? wipes banner progress
Avatar Goom left feedback: last month
i think sometimes the 'vip has died' voiceline didnt play for me on blu
Avatar robopan made an annotation at -2383 -1000 374 while standing at -2527 -619 260 last month
make this door smaller
Avatar Lo-fi Longcat made an annotation at -3176 -756 227 while standing at -3231 -625 260 last month
having to crouch jump up from the side kinda sucks
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -375 -3033 228 while standing at -331 -3204 260 last month
I'm expecting a way forward here
Avatar Luna Lana made an annotation at -2858 -528 434 while standing at -2597 -689 267 last month
exiting spawn gives you fall damage
Avatar fluury left feedback: last month
crazy skybox height allows for silly demoman airplane gameplay
Avatar nyanezt made an annotation at 3984 -2227 -277 while standing at 1721 -3852 548 last month
maybe this shouldnt be open
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: last month
[VIP] Goom: aw man vip doesnt give max uberrate
Avatar ibex left feedback: last month
people can shoot into bluspawn
Avatar ibex made an annotation at 3616 -1570 251 while standing at 3499 -1586 196 last month
here, in case it moved me before that registers
Avatar ibex made an annotation at 4307 -2320 84 while standing at 4656 -2320 84 last month
get rid of lip here
Avatar Entropy ΘΔ [Mio (She/Her)] made an annotation at 5002 416 -1262 while standing at 3145 -1338 171 last month
the water is.... weird like, orange