40/27/33 Round Win % (15 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar bonez made an annotation at -866 -668 1399 while standing at -873 -660 1411 April 2024
weird corner here
Avatar DingoDots #FixTf2 left feedback: April 2024
idk what the most recetn changes were but i like where saxton spawns but i feel like it isn't clear where he comes at first
Avatar bonez left feedback: April 2024
saxton taunts dont work anymore he just A poses
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
airstrike heads don't work
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
garden didn't work
Avatar SomethingDeveloper left feedback: April 2024
can't see the health it only says 165
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
2k damage as engineer. Looks a bit too much than intended? Round #3
Avatar wendy made an annotation at 1439 -1649 1554 while standing at 760 -1224 1659 April 2024
even after record fix stop
Avatar wendy made an annotation at 95 45 1383 while standing at 459 148 1427 April 2024
some players are ubered indefinitly and are using a blue uber skin
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
past hales retain the forced skin
Avatar SomethingDeveloper made an annotation at 87 -2413 2091 while standing at 86 -2346 2084 April 2024
wheres the music coming from?
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
stalemate didn't go to 5 seconds
Avatar Robogineer made an annotation at 1886 -1017 1746 while standing at 1936 -1030 1771 April 2024
I feel like this arrow neds to be more obvious
Avatar Nick left feedback: April 2024
good map
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 1454 -1971 1655 while standing at 1497 -1963 1695 April 2024
displacement seam
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 1511 -233 1505 while standing at 1411 -151 1444 April 2024
could use an extra texture
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 375 776 1433 while standing at 398 761 1438 April 2024
odd lighting
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
fb lagged
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
no voice lines on roudn end
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
skins are broken after you played Hale
Avatar -=[EvilComput3r]=- left feedback: April 2024
pitch the soldier voicelines down
Avatar MCL15 left feedback: April 2024
Hit sounds not playing?
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
nvm, vanilla vsh doesn't have music
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
no music?
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: April 2024
sentry didn;'t triggert the punch
Avatar -=[EvilComput3r]=- left feedback: April 2024
custom voice lines for mercs feel weird
Avatar Otto left feedback: April 2024
my charge as demoknight got disabled
Avatar MCL15 left feedback: April 2024
The coat looks nice, but it feels a bit out of character